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#RaidMetal The rules are where I want them. Now working on a unit building system so I can come up with some testing scenarios. Catch is making them as simple as the rules yet workable!

#TTRPG #tabletopgames #tabletop#SciFi#ScienceFiction

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Worlds of IF (September 1962)

I can't tell if those are ships or satellites and whether they're moving or not, but I love how the planet is above and the empty space is below.

I have searched in vain for a trace of the used book shop whose stamp is on this. I can practically smell the place!

Original magazine:


An extremely detailed diagram of the history of Science Fiction. The diagram has a rather monstrous aspect, with tentacle-like roots and branches. On the upper left corner are found the roots of the diagram: Fear and Wonder, giving way to Animism and Legend. Other portals into the diagram are Philosophy, Art, Exploration and Observation. These roots converge and possibly interact with other concepts such as the Enlightment, Science, Utopias, Romantic Movements. Important science fiction works, authors and genres emerge on the way, amidst a vast quantity of other entries: the Gothic Novel, Frankenstein, Jules Vernes, H.G. Wells, Edgar Allan Poe, Science Adventure, Fantasy Adventure, Alice in Wonderland, Weird Tales, Pulp Magazines, Astounding Science Fiction, Galaxy Magazine, H.P. Lovecraft, Sword+Sorcery, Modern Horrror, Isaac Asimov, Philip K. Dick, Dune, Space Opera, Cyber Punk, Star Wars, Alien, Terminator, 2001 Space Odissey, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Total Recall, J.R.R. Tolkien, Dracula, Metropolis, King Kong, Aldous Huxley, and so on. A timeline is indicated on the upper and lower boundaries of the diagram.
An extremely detailed diagram of the history of Science Fiction. The diagram has a rather monstrous aspect, with tentacle-like roots and branches. On the upper left corner are found the roots of the diagram: Fear and Wonder, giving way to Animism and Legend. Other portals into the diagram are Philosophy, Art, Exploration and Observation. These roots converge and possibly interact with other concepts such as the Enlightment, Science, Utopias, Romantic Movements. Important science fiction works, authors and genres emerge on the way, amidst a vast quantity of other entries: the Gothic Novel, Frankenstein, Jules Vernes, H.G. Wells, Edgar Allan Poe, Science Adventure, Fantasy Adventure, Alice in Wonderland, Weird Tales, Pulp Magazines, Astounding Science Fiction, Galaxy Magazine, H.P. Lovecraft, Sword+Sorcery, Modern Horrror, Isaac Asimov, Philip K. Dick, Dune, Space Opera, Cyber Punk, Star Wars, Alien, Terminator, 2001 Space Odissey, Star Trek, Battlestar Galactica, Total Recall, J.R.R. Tolkien, Dracula, Metropolis, King Kong, Aldous Huxley, and so on. A timeline is indicated on the upper and lower boundaries of the diagram.

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Acrylic on Watercolor Board - 36" x 24"

The way to the far horizon can only be made by transcending the red hill...beyond is only sky. 1/4

#sciencefiction#scifi #scifiart #illustration #robertheinlein

Portrait of author Robert Heinlein standing boldly in profile to face the twilight of an alien world. White hair recedes back on his forehead. A thin mustache traces his upper lip. He looks debonair, with the air of a mystic as shadow falls across the back of his coral robe. He holds a cane loosely in his right hand; his weight doesn't rest on it. Baked by strange light, papers and a half buried book lie discarded on the rippling sand behind him. A shiny silver rocket, suggesting a Hugo award, points skyward. Caught in a moment—either taking flight or landing, with wings unfurled—an owl curls its talons about a curl of branch set on a plaque. Just beyond the shore where Heinlein stands, pearlescent blue water undulates and churns. A pair of islands, flanking him on either side, sit the horizon. A striped moon hangs over a mountainous peak on one isle; a square arch sits on a longer stretch of land to his right. Higher up, two gibbous craggy moons hang overhead.
Portrait of author Robert Heinlein standing boldly in profile to face the twilight of an alien world. White hair recedes back on his forehead. A thin mustache traces his upper lip. He looks debonair, with the air of a mystic as shadow falls across the back of his coral robe. He holds a cane loosely in his right hand; his weight doesn't rest on it. Baked by strange light, papers and a half buried book lie discarded on the rippling sand behind him. A shiny silver rocket, suggesting a Hugo award, points skyward. Caught in a moment—either taking flight or landing, with wings unfurled—an owl curls its talons about a curl of branch set on a plaque. Just beyond the shore where Heinlein stands, pearlescent blue water undulates and churns. A pair of islands, flanking him on either side, sit the horizon. A striped moon hangs over a mountainous peak on one isle; a square arch sits on a longer stretch of land to his right. Higher up, two gibbous craggy moons hang overhead.

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I hope everyone enjoys today's article at the Journey. I slogged through the latest Analog of the year so you don't have to. Plus, My Lai has made the news.

For #ScienceFiction fans, I've got the early numbers for how all the magazines/anthologies ranked this year. Find out which outlets were consistently the best! The answer may surprise you...

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For a bit of clarification that I make in the post, this is a speech given at the height of the New Wave movement by an author who started writing in the 1930s (and I would argue, would also be inspired to push boundaries a bit with his own late 60s and early 70s generic blurring).

#scifi #sciencefiction #books

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Boost phase announcement!

A fun #Discourse forum project I've been working on:

TASAT — There's A Story About That — is a science fiction community initiative from scientist & author David Brin (Earth, Startide Rising, The Postman.)

The mission: to connect highly-placed individuals facing challenging questions to a hive-mind of sci-fi readers and viewers who might recall a story exploring outcomes of a similar scenario.

After extensive beta testing with a small group, it's time to expand our base.

The only qualification? Having read lots of stories. Watched lots of flicks. Played bunches of realistic games.

Visit for a full intro from Dr. Brin, and a link to explore the forum. *Help sci fi to help the world be ready for the unexpected!*

#scifi #sciencefiction #science #futurism

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Can someone recommend me some hard or semi-hard transhumanist #scifi (preferably prose or webcomic form) that does *not* have a faux-rationalist eugenicsy vibe to it and has a more laid-back and creative attitude regarding posthuman enhancements and so on, while also *not* having a technophobic, conservative attitude that treats the human body and mind as something sacred and untouchable like a lot of sci-fi that touches on these topics?

#sff #books #sciencefiction