Our code of conduct draws from the following general ethical principles:
Do good, shun evil, and be mindful
Avoid: lies, amplifying actually or potentially harmful speech, divisive speech, and coarse speech.
It also takes account of the fact that folks here do not all read or write language in the same way. We use lots of languages, come from many cultures, and have a wide range of linguistic skills. We include autistics, dyslexics, and folks who are brilliant typists but uncomfortable with spoken language.
If you are a free speech warrior, thatβs nice, move on, there are other places for you.
In practical terms, this means:
Think carefully about why you are posting and how it will be interpreted.
Share your weird! Whether thatβs art, code, research, foraging, repairing, activism, collaboration, or whatever!
Donβt be shy about showing support or praise.
If it's a shitpost or a joke that might be misinterpreted, think three times before posting and use a content warning.
Remember, youβre a symbiont.
No discrimination, including (but not limited to) racism, sexism, religion, caste, disability, language, homophobia or transphobia.
No explicit (NSFW) content without content warnings. Explicit content must not be used in user avatars or header images. Many folks here really don't like violent or explicit imagery.
No harassment of other users on this or other instances. Save your energy for doing good.
No content illegal in the following countries: Scotland, the Netherlands.
No incitement of violence or promotion of violent ideologies. This includes implict or explicit justification of structurally violent systems, such as colonialism.
Don't use this space to spread disinformation.
No trolling.
No spam. This includes commercial advertising, promotional campaigns, and SEO.
We're fine with accounts that represent charities, businesses, and so forth, but we expect you to (a) follow the rules and (b) do not use this space for marketing.
Absolutely no scraping or user analysis. We are not your content, your resource, or the object of your study.
The moderation team work on a 'best efforts' basis. Unless they indicate otherwise, their decisions should be considered final.
We block liberally.