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To all you #SciFi #writers out there,

Please please please please have an astrophysicist or aerospace engineer review your book before publishing.

I'm reading an award-winning scifi book right now and while the writing is good and the author obviously tried to get the science details down, they also obviously didn't do much more than read wikipedia. It's getting painful to read.

#Authors #bookstodon#books#writing#ScienceFiction #Space

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There is a subgenre of academic papers that could have originally started as someoneโ€™s homework for a #SciFi story or #worldbuilding exercise. This exploration of constraints on #life beyond Earth definitely fits that category.
Also, seriously, #writers , so many excellent resources now to explore and understand how life outside Earth could evolve and functionโ€ฆ if you want to go for hard SciFi (or just get some out-of-the-box ideas), just reach out and grab them.