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AstroAnt will ride around on the MAPP lunar rover the way that Dr. Theopolis rode around on Twiki.
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AstroAnt will ride around on the MAPP lunar rover the way that Dr. Theopolis rode around on Twiki.
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#captainfuture #scifi #sciencefiction #spaceopera #anime #zeichentrick #pulps #kult #retro #80er #kultserie#lieblingsserie #85jahrecaptainfuture#spacehero #oldscifi #goldenageofscifi
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#comicbooks #comicbook #painting #paintings #superhero #superheroes #robot #robots #scifi #sciencefiction #retro #artlover #artlovers #geek #nerd #geeks #nerds #artist #artists #artnet #comicbookart
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