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Sadly still relevant today.
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Among adults with tertiary-level education (such as university graduates), literacy proficiency fell in 13 countries and only increased in Finland, while nearly all countries and economies experienced declines in literacy proficiency among adults with below upper secondary education. Singapore and the US had the biggest inequalities in both literacy and numeracy.
“Thirty per cent of Americans read at a level that you would expect from a 10-year-old child,” Andreas Schleicher, director for education and skills at the OECD, told me — referring to the proportion of people in the US who scored level 1 or below in literacy. “It is actually hard to imagine — that every third person you meet on the street has difficulties reading even simple things.”
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What I'd really like to look for more of right now are particularly #Fantasy novels, but maybe a bit of #Scifi as well. But one thing I'd really like to look more fore is the stuff that is less "gritty." I'm tired of so many books focusing so hard on suffering, torture, good people driven bad, etc. More of the stuff where you know in the end the good guys will win and they won't compromise on what they know is right, even if it may be really hard along the way.
Maybe some cozy stuff too?