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#buddhism #vajrayana #bhutan #meditation #mindfulness #contemplation #science #technology #psychology #neuroscience #education #wellbeing
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@orionkidder : if recollection serves me, this article will be of interest re one of your SF universes.
#Writer#Author#ScienceFiction#SF #scifi#WritingCommunity#WritersOfMastodon#BlackHole #pbh #ligo#Science#Physics#Astrophysics#QuantumPhysics#QuantumMechanics#Space#BlackHoles #gravitywaves
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Earth & its Moon were forged from a violent collision. But Pluto and its giant moon, Charon, came together with a gentle kiss. A similarly soft process may have occurred all across the outer solar system. #space #science #astronomy #love
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(Even better, the result is relevant to all friction-related static charge.) #science #physics #cats #nature
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"Cuddling" in this case means they're about as far apart as Voyager 1 is from Earth...which is really close for such monster objects. #science #space #astronomy
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For now, we can detect them because they blast out light & x-rays each time they waltz through a nearby gas cloud. #science #nature
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"Galaxies from
wherever flock
I'm no poet, but could this be a Haiku?
Image: Daniel Pomarède, Institut de Recherche sur les Lois Fondamentales de l’Univers, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay.
Cover design: Bethany Vukomanovic.
#Cosmology#Galaxies#Astronomy #Astrodon#Astrophysics#Cosmography#Cartography#Map#Cosmicflows #science#STEM #news #space
These objects are classified as "dark comets." Presumably they are emitting puffs of gas that shifts their orbits. But far, nobody can spot any sign of activity. #space #science #astronomy #nature
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Allow me to correct that oversight. Here is "Two Distinct Populations of Dark Comets Delineated by Orbits and Sizes":
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These objects are classified as "dark comets." Presumably they are emitting puffs of gas that shifts their orbits. But far, nobody can spot any sign of activity. #space #science #astronomy #nature
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A New Strategy for the Exploration of Venus
by the VEXAG Exploration Strategy Study Analysis Workgroup
#Venus#PlanetaryScience #Astrodon#Science#STEM #planet #planets #solarsystem #engineering #news
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#sciencefiction #scifi #history #starwars #startrek #alien #dune #cyberpunk #amazingstories #julesverne #pulp #magazines #pulpmagazines #foundation #hgwells #space #opera #spaceopera#BattleStarGalactica #matrix #bladerunner #heinlein #isaacazimov #metropolis #science #fantasy #adventure #kafka #themartianchronicles #robot #robots #philipkdick #planetoftheapes #terminator #doctorwho #theprisoner
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The process is hard. This new, preliminary version is uncertain. But we're seeing a fresh view of reality come into focus. #space #science #astronomy #nature
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So...astronomers got to work & figured out how to make a telescope the size of our galaxy. #science #tech
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The process is hard. This new, preliminary version is uncertain. But we're seeing a fresh view of reality come into focus. #space #science #astronomy #nature