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I don't do 'New year resolutions' but the one promise I am going to stick to is to keep my desk space this clean. Notes and sketches only in bound book, no more loose paper. And no more piling shit up in the corner. Clean desks are far more conducive to being creative I find...


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Do you know an artist??

I’m looking for someone to draw me a new profile picture, and i would prefer to pay a real artist instead of some shady corporation or AI

So if you know someone to suggest who takes commission, share this post with them!

Any #boost appreciated!

#artist #profilepicture

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Karl Stephan's cover art detail for the 1970 German edition of Men and Machines, ed. Robert Silverberg (1968)

It illustrates Fritz Leiber's "A Bad Day for Sales" (1953)

#scifi #sciencefiction #books #art #artist