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Was watching #StarTrek Discovery last night and saw an example of a common #SciFi scene that irks me: "Oh, is that a book, I've never seen one in person before, how quaint, isn't that inefficient mass to storage..."

It bugged me in #TheExpanse too.

Because like, we've been doing digital computers for a while now and if anything, storage has gotten more volatile, not less. Meanwhile, I'm just someone who wanders used bookstores and buys cool things and I have 19th Century #books. Intact.

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Dorothy Fontana (I think) told a funny story about the #StarTrek TOS Orion slave girl and her green makeup.

No one had told the film editor that the girl was supposed to be green. So when he first saw the film, she wasn't very green at this point, he color corrected until her skin color looked better.

Director saw the result, and she wasn't green at all! So they redid the makeup to make it even more vibrantly green.

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"IDIC represents a Vulcan belief that beauty, growth, progress--all result from the union of the unlike...The brotherhood of man is an ideal based on learning to delight in our essential differences, as well as learning to recognize our similarities. The circle and triangle combine to produce the gemstone in the center as the union of words and music creates song, or the union of marriage creates children."Gene Roddenberry

Diversity makes us better. And is worth fighting for.


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Imagined scene from Next Gen #StarTrek

"Computer, tea, Early grey, hot.'

Confirmed. Firing photon torpedoes.

"No! Cancel"

Ok, Teleporting pants to cargo Bay 5.
This is what it felt like trying to get #alexa to play a specific song on #Pandora this morning.

Go ahead, try to get it to play "Ballad of the Witches Road". Ended up with something from SpongeBob. Seriously.

The future is stupid.

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Skipped out on the Acolyte, skipping out on Skeleton Crew.

I'm grateful so much of #StarWars has worked for me. Inevitable it's going to move on to addressing the interests of the people following me. That's proper.

Can I tell you how amazed I am that, fifty years after #StarTrek TOS, we have real Trek again in Strange New Worlds? For an old man who'd accepted no one would ever manage that again, that's really been surprising.

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The microwave oven is the most startrekkian appliance in the kitchen. In fact the first residential one started selling about the time #Startrek was first aired.

It lets you play "Enterprise" at home --

Tea! Earl grey! Hot! <bing!>