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Having passed through terrible destruction, the former hub of the Galaxy in Isaac Asimov's classic opus is now a pastoral world. 1/4
#sciencefiction#scifi #scifiart #illustration #isaacasimov #foundation
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Acrylic on Watercolor Board - 27" x 35"
A race of turtle-like creatures conquers Earth, imposing a gentler set of values on humankind, outlawing destructive technology, and denying the validity of human scientific theories. 1/3
#sciencefiction#scifi #scifiart #illustration #frederikpohl #jackwilliamson
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Content Warning #scifi #sciencefiction #art #scifiart #fantasy #space #cyberpunk
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Paired comms with doubleplus reliability. Always on, always listening, for the safety of us all.
#SciFi #SciencFiction #retrofuturism #cyberpunk #sculpture #art #tech #collage #scifiart

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Acrylic on illustration board
H. Beam Piper is, of course, best remembered for the Fuzzies of Zarathustra. 1/4
#sciencefiction#scifi #scifiart #sff #illustration#hbeampiper #fuzzies
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The Entangled Deuteron Ansible from a decade ago. The owner's son seems to have had a bit of a rough play with it. I replaced the CRT, cleaned up some design choices this me would no longer make, and now am packing out to ship.
#SciFi #sciencefiction #cyberpunk #retropunk #video #glitch #art #scifiart #cyberpunkart #sculpture
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#art #digitalart #digitalpainting #painting #spaceflight #spaceart #nebula #scifiart#scifi #sciencefiction
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Whether it works or not is kinda irrelevent either way I had a blast putting it together 😀 #Lightwave3d#SciFiArt