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#ScribesAndMakers 6: Book read over and over?

LORD OF LIGHT by Roger Zelazny. Bounced off it when I was too young, came back to it more prepared. Dense, oddly-structured, literary prose; complicated plot with many characters; a world that straddles the line between #Fantasy andl #SciFi.

Every time I read it I spot more connections and understand the characters and world on a deeper level.

Plus it has a small place in history:

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Hey Mastodon, here's a little #introduction

I'm Quentin Aubé, a French freelance #illustrator. I'm interested in lots of things, but mostly #fantasy, scientific exploration of the universe and paranormal folklore. I also do a bit of comics.

You'll find here my news, wip, drawings and stream announcements!

See ya

Reinterpretation of Caravaggio's painting “The incredulity of Saint Thomas”. Jesus, on the left, is portrayed as an extraterrestrial, while St. Thomas, on the right, is dressed as a surgeon and inspects the alien's stygmata, which have become the marks of a vivisection. Two other apostles behind St. Thomas are depicted as white-coated scientists.
Reinterpretation of Caravaggio's painting “The incredulity of Saint Thomas”. Jesus, on the left, is portrayed as an extraterrestrial, while St. Thomas, on the right, is dressed as a surgeon and inspects the alien's stygmata, which have become the marks of a vivisection. Two other apostles behind St. Thomas are depicted as white-coated scientists.

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Far from finished, but this is the extended shape the improved land of Nicea. The new sections are to the far west and east. Seeing the ocean on both sides really frames the continent and aesthetically improves the map more than I would have guessed. Next I need to add forest details to the west, then colour and the border needs work. #shadows #mapping #dndmap #dndcartography #cartography #cartographer #rpg#dnd #roleplaying #fantasy #map #ttrpgart #largemap#gamesmaster #rpggame #dndcreatives

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I'm editing a an old piece (Fey Fighters) that's never been published.

I came across this line and smiled:

"We’re in a human-made, goblin-enchanted spacecraft, powered by a dryad that’s under the mistaken impression she’s a nuclear reactor, half-piloted by a pixie and half-piloted by a human. Is there anywhere we can go we won’t be shot on sight?"

That's my favorite line, which I'd forgotten about until a few minutes ago.

#writing #fiction #fantasy #scifi #sciencefiction #funny #quote

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Back to the magical land of Nicea, I’m working on the line work for the jungles to the East, an excuse to draw lots of dinosaurs in the dense rainforest. It’s for dungeons and dragons so the land need to invite exploration. The jungle is criss crossed by rivers, with tall rock formations and mysterious ziggurats. The jungle gives way to a desert region and a few settlements. Plenty of caves and ruins to explore. #mapping #cartography #rpg#dnd #fantasy #map #ttrpg #fantasymap #map #mapmaker

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I’m back once again to the magical land of Nicea. The client has been using the map in family games and now wants to extend the map to the east and west so it shows the whole continent which will look great. There is so much this map taught me, I love the spherical projection, I really want to draw a world map this way at some point. #shadows #mapping #dndmap #dndcartography #cartography #cartographer #rpg#dnd #roleplaying #fantasy #map #ttrpgart