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OK, that's enough news this morning. Everyone, post some of your favorite Dragon Magazine covers. Here's mine, from Issue 126 by Daniel Horne. I didn't actually encounter this piece in Dragon Magazine; I saw it repeatedly used by TSR in other promotional materials and fell in love with it.


Tasteful nudity, non-sexual

Acrylic on Mat Board - 12" x 9"

I turned a smear of paint on my drawing table cover into a tree. Other marks suggested rocks and became an island to which I added a figure. I started to paint in clouds but stopped because the image was getting boring.

#art #fantasy #illustration #leftoversandpalettegremlins

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“Fantasy is escapist, and that is its glory. If a soldier is imprisoned by the enemy, don't we consider it his duty to escape?. . .If we value the freedom of mind and soul, if we're partisans of liberty, then it's our plain duty to escape, and to take as many people with us as we can!”
― Ursula K. LeGuin, paraphrasing J.R.R. Tolkien
TTRPG Community #ttrpg #fantasy
Don't stop creating.

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Oil on Panel - 28" x 18"

Throughout the Dark Tower series, Stephen King portrayed Roland's group of fighters known as the Ka-Tet as a circle. 1/2

#horror #horrorart #fantasy #sciencefiction #sff #illustration #darktower #stephenking#rolanddeschain #eddiedean #susannahdean#jakechambers #oy #billybumbler

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Do you have a favourite author? Is your style influenced by them?

Maybe Mary Shelley... Loads of female authors and artists were such lovely, unabashed, eccentric characters that their stories inspire me. But honestly, the style doesn't influence me much beyond a certain fondness for having a bit of fun with arcane words and having Freya and Mona do a bit of bitchy sesquipedalian posh mean girl when it's called for.

#writing #witchy #fantasy

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Worlds of IF (September 1962)

I can't tell if those are ships or satellites and whether they're moving or not, but I love how the planet is above and the empty space is below.

I have searched in vain for a trace of the used book shop whose stamp is on this. I can practically smell the place!

Original magazine:
