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Tomorrow could be a great day for space robots.

Intuitive Machines' Athena lander is set to touch down on the Moon carrying the "Grace" Hopper robot, Yaoki 360° rover, and MAPP prospecting rover.

Plus a micro-rover, AstroAnt, that will ride around on top of the MAPP rover! #space #science #nasa #tech

The AstroAnt robot will be operating on the top surface of the Lunar Outpost MAPP-1 rover, equipped with a thermopile on its bottom surface for contact-less temperature measurements of the MAPP-1 rover radiator. With mobility in the Lunar gravity environment, the robot can measure temperature from different positions on the radiator and help with monitoring the performance of the thermal system, which is one of the most crucial systems of the rover. Leveraging magnetic wheels, the robot can attach to and move along the top rover surface. The AstroAnt will be the first-ever miniature robotic mission on the Lunar surface.
The AstroAnt robot will be operating on the top surface of the Lunar Outpost MAPP-1 rover, equipped with a thermopile on its bottom surface for contact-less temperature measurements of the MAPP-1 rover radiator. With mobility in the Lunar gravity environment, the robot can measure temperature from different positions on the radiator and help with monitoring the performance of the thermal system, which is one of the most crucial systems of the rover. Leveraging magnetic wheels, the robot can attach to and move along the top rover surface. The AstroAnt will be the first-ever miniature robotic mission on the Lunar surface.
The AstroAnt robot will be operating on the top surface of the Lunar Outpost MAPP-1 rover, equipped with a thermopile on its bottom surface for contact-less temperature measurements of the MAPP-1 rover radiator. With mobility in the Lunar gravity environment, the robot can measure temperature from different positions on the radiator and help with monitoring the performance of the thermal system, which is one of the most crucial systems of the rover. Leveraging magnetic wheels, the robot can attach to and move along the top rover surface. The AstroAnt will be the first-ever miniature robotic mission on the Lunar surface.
The AstroAnt robot will be operating on the top surface of the Lunar Outpost MAPP-1 rover, equipped with a thermopile on its bottom surface for contact-less temperature measurements of the MAPP-1 rover radiator. With mobility in the Lunar gravity environment, the robot can measure temperature from different positions on the radiator and help with monitoring the performance of the thermal system, which is one of the most crucial systems of the rover. Leveraging magnetic wheels, the robot can attach to and move along the top rover surface. The AstroAnt will be the first-ever miniature robotic mission on the Lunar surface.

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Blue Ghost is on the Moon! Images are coming in now from what appears to be the first fully successful commercial lunar lander. Just look at that shadow.

Over the next 2 weeks, Firefly's Blue Ghost will drill, study lunar dust, and observe an eclipse of the the Earth. #space #science #tech

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A Seattle-area space startup that started out as #LumenOrbit has changed its name to #Starcloud - and has brought in an additional $10 million in funding for its plan to create data centers in orbit.
So you want to fight fascism and make a difference right now? Do this:

Join Codeberg e.V. – become part of the organisation; part of the resistance – and actively support this valuable and ethical EU-based anti-fascist¹ git hosting alternative that’s under attack by fascists as we speak:

Seriously, do it now.²

Volunteer and/or donate if you can.

Let’s send Codeberg’s membership through the roof and show these fucking fascists that when they push we push back twice as hard.

When you do, please add your voice to this thread so others can see.

I rarely ask this but please repost this far and wide.


² If you’re having trouble reaching the server, it might also be under attack. You can check the current status of all Codeberg’s servers from

#Codeberg#CodebergUnderAttack#SupportCodeberg #antifascist#EU #european#FOSS#freeSoftware #git #hosting #fediverse #mastodon #community#callToAction

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The registration server might now be getting hit too by fascists.

You can check the status of servers here:

Not to worry, this campaign will continue. And if you notice it’s green, that’s the time to get in and sign up for membership.

A couple of people have already signed up as members (that I’m aware of) in the past half hour or so.

#codeberg#SupportCodeberg#CodebergUnderAttack #fascists #fascism #tech #git #hosting#EU #antifascist#FOSS#callToAction

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Does anyone have any info on the estimated collective investments on Fediverse technology currently?

The definition for Fediverse in this case may include Threads & Bluesky & possible others.

Any papers, hints, links etc are very welcome. Feel free to boost & share this question



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🤖 Carpentopod – the walking table! 🪑
This incredible project combines robotics and design to create a coffee table with 12 walking legs! Built with CNC-cut bamboo and powered by motors, it’s a unique blend of tech and art. Controlled via joystick, it’s both functional and fun. ☕

🌐 Learn more about this amazing creation here:


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There's is still time to apply for our 'Digital Library Systems Developer' post at University of Glasgow. Deadline is 03 January 2025.

Come work with us! Exciting things are planned!

Details in the toot below. Please share widely! 😎 #Glasgow #digitallibaries #repositories #jobs #jobfairy #developer #tech #highered

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The fediverse has no central authority — which brings both challenges and opportunities for how it's governed. For Dot Social, @mike spoke with @kissane and @darius, two of the smartest people working on this, about the impact of the 2024 U.S. Presidential election on fediverse work, the "Xodus," what needs to be done next, and how to fund and sustain better networks for humans.

Read more about it in this blogpost.

Listen to the conversation on or wherever you get your podcasts.


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Tiny Lego Computers lego

James Brown, a WETA Workshop engineer, created some itty-bitty LEGO computer displays that actually display stuff. What it takes to build a tiny Lego computer...

He has a mastodon account btw

#lego #tech

A gif of three tiny Lego LED Lego displays in semi transparent wedge shaped Lego bricks

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The coolest thing about mapping the universe in gravitational waves? You need a telescope the size of our galaxy to do it.

So...astronomers got to work & figured out how to make a telescope the size of our galaxy. #science #tech

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Taking a break from awful things:

Scientists taught rats to drive cars. The rats quickly learned to rev the engine and take longer routes just for fun.

Bonus: Watch the researcher do a little happy leap when the rat gets into the car. #science #tech

A rat driving a miniature car...for science!