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Their operation mode is annihilation. They will be satisfied only when everything and everybody they regard as hostile will be wiped out. Secretly, they dream of annihilation camps. That's why they admire the Nazis.
#Fascism#Nazis #annihilation

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The Trump regime has already threatened legal actions against businesses w/DEIA policies. Now he's threatening universities that allow "illegal" protests, and threatening to imprison, expel or deport students.

This is another step towards the criminalisation of dissent, and full-on fascism. No doubt inspired by Putin. Whether it will get that far remains to be seen, but it's inching closer.

This reminds me of the same steps from the 90s SciFi series Babylon 5.


A video clip from the season 2 finale of Babylon 5. It is a conversation between a representative of an organisation called the Night Watch and the deputy security chief Mr. Allan.

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This is exemplary. Lucy Welch had a job that came with eyeballs and attention and when events gave her the opportunity she leveraged it to rally support and ruin a fascist’s day. Brave and cool and necessary. Be like Lucy!

#fascism #antifascism#FightFascism #EverydayAntifascism #vance #vermont

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I thought there was consensus that #Nazis, & their concentration campus, are bad & they should be forced back into the hole from which they emerged. #Alzheimer's is bad & it requires $$ & research so we don't have to watch those we love disappear. I also thought measles didn't belong in the + column, that banning books was for losers, & the Constitution meant something. We've gone through the looking glass but it's not nearly as fun or interesting as Lewis Carroll said.


So you want to fight fascism and make a difference right now? Do this:

Join Codeberg e.V. – become part of the organisation; part of the resistance – and actively support this valuable and ethical EU-based anti-fascist¹ git hosting alternative that’s under attack by fascists as we speak:

Seriously, do it now.²

Volunteer and/or donate if you can.

Let’s send Codeberg’s membership through the roof and show these fucking fascists that when they push we push back twice as hard.

When you do, please add your voice to this thread so others can see.

I rarely ask this but please repost this far and wide.


² If you’re having trouble reaching the server, it might also be under attack. You can check the current status of all Codeberg’s servers from

#Codeberg#CodebergUnderAttack#SupportCodeberg #antifascist#EU #european#FOSS#freeSoftware #git #hosting #fediverse #mastodon #community#callToAction

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The registration server might now be getting hit too by fascists.

You can check the status of servers here:

Not to worry, this campaign will continue. And if you notice it’s green, that’s the time to get in and sign up for membership.

A couple of people have already signed up as members (that I’m aware of) in the past half hour or so.

#codeberg#SupportCodeberg#CodebergUnderAttack #fascists #fascism #tech #git #hosting#EU #antifascist#FOSS#callToAction

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Oh and who’s behind it? The fucking fascists, of course. Because, of course. Fucking fascists.

“Codeberg is currently suffering from hate campaigns due to far-right forces … In the past days, several projects advocating tolerance and equal rights on Codeberg have been subject to hate attacks, such as massive spam of abusive messages in their issue trackers.

We will not be discouraged in our fight against far-right ideologies. They are currently on the rise in many parts of the world, and we believe it is important to protect all kinds of marginalized groups. However, if you believe this does not affect your project, you are wrong. Far-right forces pose a threat to all of us.

Extreme right forces actively target members of our communities and discriminate based on ethnicity and gender, political background, sexual orientation, disabilities, nationality and faith. However diversity is an important asset in free/libre software communities and it is what makes our software great and development productive.

By targetting some of our most active translators, nicest designers, best developers and all other motivated contributors, they are hurting the free/libre software ecosystem as a whole.

Don't be fooled if right-wing forces promise to "promote open source" in their political agenda. This has nothing to do with the values of our movement! This is about national patriotism and protectionism, and they will happily accept splitting our community on their way.

We all know that the free/libre software ecosystem won't work this way. Every human is an integral and equally important part of it, and targetting some of our community members threatens the ecosystem as a whole.

Let's together stay strong and united against the emerging threats. We stay strong against discrimination of all kind, including but not limited to sexism, transphobia, homophobia, racism, antisemitism and ableism. And we hope that you all join us for this mission.

A big shout-out to all the projects that collect facts and resources against hate and discrimination and that have been the primary goal of these attacks. Support them if you can.

If you ever considered supporting the fight against right-wing forces, for example by joining political movements and parties, organizing protests or getting involved in online communities with this goal - now might be the best time to move ahead.

Again, we apologize for the disruption of your work and the abusive content delivered to your mailboxes. We are doing our best to contain the situation.

We'd like to thank everyone who signaled their support in the current situation, via e-mail, Mastodon and in Matrix chats. This means a lot to us.

Thank you for your trust and support!
Your Codeberg Public Relations team”

#Codeberg#CodebergUnderAttack #fascism

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If anyone's got any spare scratch, consider throwing it toward a couple of Texas comrades. They've had legal expenses since they were arrested a couple of years ago while fascist militants were trying to attack drag show attendees in one of the fashiest states in the US. These folks have done us all a service, and we should support them with whatever resources we have available.

Chris G. was acquitted in a criminal trial last November, but is still facing a civil trial brought by a deep-pocketed group that self-identifies as a "Christian-fascist fraternity." That's in addition to the expenses left over from the criminal trial.

The other, known around Dallas-Ft. Worth as "protest mom," had to go to trial and got stuck with two misdemeanors, which she hopes to appeal, but isn't sure she can afford the lawyers (and that's in addition to the monthly probation payments).

Also, if you want to contribute to antifascist defense funds generally, I'd like to recommend something that's literally called The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund. That crew disperses funds to antifascists around the world, and I have no doubt that any one-time or recurring contributions would be greatly appreciated.

#fascism #antifascism #antifa

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The world needs to collaborate in "the other group chat" starting with recognizing how his mental disorders seek validation, then playing him.

He and co-president musk are taking down American institutions and the citizens, we might as well not be caught over the event horizon.

Also, time for Canada-Mexico dyad.

#BigHands #antifa #fascism #americanfascism #cdnpoli #bcpoli #canlab

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"Despair is a black leather jacket that everyone looks good in. Hope is a frilly, pink dress that exposes the knees."

#hope #hopepunk #solarpunk #fascism

cruelty is so easy. youre not special for choosing it

“I just think goodness is more interesting,” Morrison said. “Evil is constant. You can think of different ways to murder people, but you can do that at age five. But you have to be an adult to consciously, deliberately be good - and that’s complicated.”

"The trouble is that we have a bad habit, encouraged by pedants and sophisticates, of considering happiness as something rather stupid. Only pain is intellectual, only evil interesting. This is the treason of the artist; a refusal to admit the banality of evil and the terrible boredom of pain." Ursula K. LeGuin, The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas

"Evil is boring. Right? | kinda believe in the banality and mundaneness of evil. Evil is just selfish impulses, which at the end of the day are really easy to understand. It’s easy to understand why people do bad things. It’s like “yeah, ok, you’re selfish and scared and cruel, | get it”. Being good is complex and beautiful and hard." Brennan Lee Mulligan
papayajuan2019 cruelty is so easy. youre not special for choosing it aimnothyng “I just think goodness is more interesting,” Morrison said. “Evil is constant. You can think of different ways to murder people, but you can do that at age five. But you have to be an adult to consciously, deliberately be good - and that’s complicated.” chilewithcarnage "The trouble is that we have a bad habit, encouraged by pedants and sophisticates, of considering happiness as something rather stupid. Only pain is intellectual, only evil interesting. This is the treason of the artist; a refusal to admit the banality of evil and the terrible boredom of pain." Ursula K. LeGuin, The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas wizardnuke "Evil is boring. Right? | kinda believe in the banality and mundaneness of evil. Evil is just selfish impulses, which at the end of the day are really easy to understand. It’s easy to understand why people do bad things. It’s like “yeah, ok, you’re selfish and scared and cruel, | get it”. Being good is complex and beautiful and hard." Brennan Lee Mulligan
Brilliant article by @timnitGebru and @xriskology on the constituent right-wing ideologies in #bigtech. They are connected to #transhumanism, endorse the use of emerging technologies to “enhance” humanity & create a new “posthuman” species.
No surprise that their common genealogy goes back to first-wave #eugenics.
Also no surprise that fuckups like Charles Murray, Linda Gottfredson & Peter Singer are masterminds of those utilitarian movements & their obsession w/ IQ tests

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#TESCREAL #fascism

"Instead of having the multitudes of humans around the world building tools serving their own needs, the TESCREAList techno-utopia entails diverting resources to create their singular vision of a superior being with characteristics determined and controlled by them."
