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It's early-stage and the ORCID following function is not publicly available yet. We're seeking community feedback on functionality and safety aspects. Read more at or follow @encyclia for news!
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It's early-stage and the ORCID following function is not publicly available yet. We're seeking community feedback on functionality and safety aspects. Read more at or follow @encyclia for news!
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"On social media, Mastodon is managed and run by the community (e.g., is a server run by neuroscientists) and is robust by design."
When rogue players multiply, single points of failure are worse than just a gamble.
#openscience is best on the #fediverse
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We've burned through reserves and are at a crossroads.
It's the classic FOSS funding problem: use and adoption are at an all-time high, wealthy companies and countries use it, and secure decentralized comms have never been more important. And yet we can't pay our bills.
YOU have a role to play in shaping what comes next:
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I have argued a few times that for all practical purposes, the global south does not exist for Mastodon, and for the rest of the Fediverse. But many people I interact with do not quite understand how this works in practice.
This series of posts is an effort to illustrate that mechanism.
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That’s their prerogative, of course; but that is also the root cause underlying the above dynamic. There is no obvious resolution to it, at least not within the narrow confines of the #Fediverse.
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Forget #GlobalNorth users, even #GlobalSouth users cannot find fellow users from their regions, or find posts about the global south, even if both exist.
This happens with most global south users, and with an overwhelming majority of the posts on global south topics.
That’s how #Mastodon, and the rest of the #Fediverse, invisiblize the global south.
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The #GlobalNorth users on the Fediverse never even become aware of this loss; though many of them perceive the monotony of voices/topics, and silently move out; leaving behind a tiny, malnourished social medium.
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#RakietaFalcon9#PolskaAgencjaKosmiczna #polska #poland #falcon9#Technology #ai #news #nasa#Mastodon #fediverse #feditech #bluesky
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For those new to Scrolls, it's a free weekly newsletter all about the #IndieWeb and the #Fediverse (with some #infosec / #cybersecurity stuff thrown in there for fun).
You can subscribe directly to the newsletter in your #RSS reader of choice using this link
Let me know if you like it!
Special thanks to this week's "contributors" - folks from across the Social Web who shared interesting stuff and now, I've compiled some of that stuff here. (Sorry for the mass-@'ing, but trying to give credit where credit's due!)
@iftas @me @philipp @WeirdWriter @stefan @beardedtechguy @altsocialmedianet @readbeanicecream @crisl_at @hello @sophie @BeamMeOut@deadsuperhero @sol2070 @CrazyBlue@puppygirlhornypost2 @squiblydoo @neauoire@atomicpoet @joel @jtk @shannonkay @mala @data0 @hongminhee @stage7 @mms @anubiarts @christopherkunz @adamshostack @frichetten @von @karpour @hamatti @st1nger @ringzer0 @mastodonmigration @daedalus @matthewguy
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Join Codeberg e.V. – become part of the organisation; part of the resistance – and actively support this valuable and ethical EU-based anti-fascist¹ git hosting alternative that’s under attack by fascists as we speak:
Seriously, do it now.²
Volunteer and/or donate if you can.
Let’s send Codeberg’s membership through the roof and show these fucking fascists that when they push we push back twice as hard.
When you do, please add your voice to this thread so others can see.
I rarely ask this but please repost this far and wide.
² If you’re having trouble reaching the server, it might also be under attack. You can check the current status of all Codeberg’s servers from
#Codeberg#CodebergUnderAttack#SupportCodeberg #antifascist#EU #european#FOSS#freeSoftware #git #hosting #fediverse #mastodon #community#callToAction
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Um unseren Forderungen Nachdruck zu verleihen radeln wir jeden 1. Freitag im Monat durch #Wien. Nun haben wir endlich auch den #Radweg ins Fediverse gefunden und freuen uns auf ein neues Zuhause.
#neuhier (auch wenn der Account schon etwas älter ist 😊)
@fedibikes @mastobikes
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This week I wrote about #fediverse as a countercultural place for pop culture, and how that affects goals to bring the fediverse into the mainstream
As well as the news:
- @iftas announces that due to a lack of funding, they will likely have to wind down some crucial services for safety on the fediverse
- Tapestry is a new "timeline" app by @Iconfactory
Read at:
1) Halt new activities and policy guidance.
Our ability to analyse emerging threats, develop best practices, and publish guidance for community moderators will be significantly reduced. This includes our work to help manage compliance with the UK’s #OnlineSafetyAct.
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"[...] despite our best efforts to secure sustainable funding, IFTAS is now facing a critical financial shortfall. Without immediate support, we will be forced to severely curtail our activities in the next 60 days."
EDIT: As per a reply, the team is mainly looking for pledges from large donors. Best way you can help as an individual is to spread the word!
#IFTAS #moderation#TrustAndSafety #fediverse #funding#FediMods#MastoMods
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Its another massive week for Pixelfed, growing by another 100k active users and doubling their Kickstarter goal, raising over 100k CAD.
Pixelfed continues to grow rapidly, adding almost 100k monthly active users in a week, and has now almost 300k monthly active users. Just over a month ago, Pixelfed had around 20k monthly active users. Developer Daniel Supernault launched a Kickstarter this week for Pixelfed,Loops and Sup. The Kickstarter proved popular, raising 100k CAD, double its 50k CAD goal. The Kickstarter is mainly for to fund the continuous development of the platforms, with the primary goals listed as ‘acceleration development’ for Pixelfed and Loops, and starting the development of messaging platform Sup. Sup is a planned encrypted messaging app that is supposed to compete with WhatsApp and Snapchat. Supernault has mentioned working on the project in the past, but it is unclear how far along the project is.
Supernault says that the operational costs for running all of his projects is now over 4000 USD per month. The large majority of people joining the flagship servers and, which are both run by Supernault. Still, it seems like Supernault is not particularly interested in sharing out the load of users to other servers, saying that people unfamiliar with the fediverse want to join a a flagship instance. He also says that “using random servers to register on is very dangerous, because not all of them are as dedicated to this as I am, some of them don’t update frequently or handle mod reports as fast as we do.” Supernault is currently the only moderator for both the server as well as the server. He also says that needs to establish a mod team. One barrier to adding extra moderators is that Pixelfed does not have a specific ‘moderator’ role in the software, there is only the possibility to give someone full admin rights. Supernault says that he is working on adding such a feature.
The Pixelfed Kickstarter also lists a Pixelfed Foundation as its stretch goal. It is not particularly clear what such a Foundation would entail: the Kickstarter describes it as both a foundation and a corporation, as says that it “hopefully” would be a not-for-profit. Some of the potential work of the Pixelfed foundation would be to grow the Pixelfed and Loops social networks, and also support other developers in the wider fediverse ecosystem.
Tumblr has reconfirmed that it is working on connecting to the fediverse. In late 2022, Automatic CEO Matt Mullenweg said that the site was going to add ActivityPub support ‘soon’. Plans changed for Tumblr, including staff layoffs, and for a long time it was unclear if this plan was actually going to happen. In summer 2024, Tumblr announced that they would be working on moving the backend of Tumblr to WordPress. In an AMA this week, the company said that this migration of Tumblr to WordPress means that Tumblr can also use the plugins of WordPress, including the ActivityPub plugin. This means that people will be able to add ActivityPub to their Tumblr blogs. Not much is known about how this would work in practice.
Editor’s note: I wrote the section below before Supernault published his latest update on Kickstarter a few hours ago. In the latest update the Pixelfed Foundation is now moved towards a new stretch goal of 200k CAD. This changes my analysis, but I currently do not have the time to properly analyse and write about it before this newsletter will go out. I’ll write more about this next week.
Some more thoughts on Pixelfed:
Tumblr saying that they are working on their fediverse integration is great news for the fediverse. For a quite a while it seemed that Tumblr would not actually follow through on early announcements by CEO Mullenweg. The answer by Tumblr that ActivityPub support will depend on a plugin makes it plausible to me that Tumblr blogs will likely have to opt-in to connecting themselves to the fediverse by adding the plugin. So based on the limited information available it seems likely to me it will not be a situation where the fediverse instantly grows by millions of active users.
In the media:
Tech links:
That’s all for this week, thanks for reading! You can follow me on the fediverse and subscribe to my weekly email newsletter below.