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China’s forced boarding schools for Tibetan children are aiming to erase their cultural identity, with children subjected to political indoctrination and separation from families. #asiapacific #politics #china #tibet

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“You don't think much of my chances, do you?"
"Not much," agreed the ex-Minister of Education. "You're a Smyrnian."
"That's no legal bar. I've had a lay education."
"Well, come now. Since when does prejudice follow any law but its own.” —Asimov, Foundation, 1952

Sadly still relevant today.


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"Political and #aerospace interests were more than reluctant to embrace any changes which they viewed as a threat to their own hegemony."
The mainstream media doesn’t cover #SpaceExploration and #SpaceScience with the same questioning 🔍 rigor that they reserve for #politics. People writing about space exploration are mostly cheerleaders 🥳 for the cause, rather than independent observers keeping a watchful eye on how our national monies 💰 are spent.

#NASA #SLS#Artemis