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RIDER (1990)
Acrylic on Watercolor Board - 27" x 35"

A race of turtle-like creatures conquers Earth, imposing a gentler set of values on humankind, outlawing destructive technology, and denying the validity of human scientific theories. 1/3

#sciencefiction#scifi #scifiart #illustration #frederikpohl #jackwilliamson

A young woman rides piggyback on a bipedal bull-like creature with russet fur and milky blue eyes. Her arms wrap around its horns settling casually on the top of its head. Behind them in colorful relief on concrete, the story of a conquering race of aliens features a central turtle-like figure spreading wings as an egg floats over it. The figure is bordered by an Art Deco star burst of yellow and white backed by an outer oval of yellow stars on blue. Other turtle-aliens line up among simple clouds, each presenting an egg as they stand in profile in a sort of worship. Beside the concrete facade that dominates the foreground, a human male stands atop a wrecked school bus, shielding his eyes as he stares up into the sky. A turtle-alien stands next to him dwarfing him in stature.
A young woman rides piggyback on a bipedal bull-like creature with russet fur and milky blue eyes. Her arms wrap around its horns settling casually on the top of its head. Behind them in colorful relief on concrete, the story of a conquering race of aliens features a central turtle-like figure spreading wings as an egg floats over it. The figure is bordered by an Art Deco star burst of yellow and white backed by an outer oval of yellow stars on blue. Other turtle-aliens line up among simple clouds, each presenting an egg as they stand in profile in a sort of worship. Beside the concrete facade that dominates the foreground, a human male stands atop a wrecked school bus, shielding his eyes as he stares up into the sky. A turtle-alien stands next to him dwarfing him in stature.

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To all you #SciFi #writers out there,

Please please please please have an astrophysicist or aerospace engineer review your book before publishing.

I'm reading an award-winning scifi book right now and while the writing is good and the author obviously tried to get the science details down, they also obviously didn't do much more than read wikipedia. It's getting painful to read.

#Authors #bookstodon#books#writing#ScienceFiction #Space

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Amos: "I learned that I could hold my breath for almost two minutes while engaging in physical stressful activity"

Thug: "So?"

Amos: " have to ask yourself, how much damage do you think I could do to you in two minutes before the knockout gas gets to me? 'Cause I'm betting it's a lot"

From E501

#TheExpanse #SciFi

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Sometimes they come back.

The Entangled Deuteron Ansible from a decade ago. The owner's son seems to have had a bit of a rough play with it. I replaced the CRT, cleaned up some design choices this me would no longer make, and now am packing out to ship.



#SciFi #sciencefiction #cyberpunk #retropunk #video #glitch #art #scifiart #cyberpunkart #sculpture

A wooden phone box upon which sits a CRT mounted in some kind of mechanical bracket. The screen plays a glitchy video.

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A color that ought to be sinister, but instead just underlies a striking and vivid sense of wonder. My own nebular artwork, "Red sky at night, spacer's delight".

#art #digitalart #digitalpainting #painting #spaceflight #spaceart #nebula #scifiart#scifi #sciencefiction

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Avasarala: "The story will be about how a group of desperate Belter refugees and Earth scientists overcome their prejudices to stand together against disaster on an alien world. And they made a fortune"

From E410

#TheExpanse #SciFi

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Arjun: "Arjun Avasarala, at your service. I have wanted to meet you for such a long time to thank you in person for saving my Chrisjen's life"

Gunny: "You're welcome, sir. And, respectfully, if you married Chrisjen, you're a hell of a lot braver than I ever was"

From E402

#TheExpanse #SciFi

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Alex: "You've never been scared of anything in your life"

Gunny: "Sure, I have. All the time. But there's a trick. You just have to believe that what you're doing really matters, and then the fear can't control you."

From E401

#TheExpanse #SciFi

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Next Thing I’ve made, sticking with both spaceships and comics: hero ship “Kitesfear” from friend @HowardTayler ’s Schlock Mercenary! This was a premium add-on to the Book 16: Big Dumb Objects Kickstarter. I think I made about 200 of them. 3D model, molded and resin-cast. Super cute! #handmade #spaceship #toy #SchlockMercenary #maker#mastoart#scifi