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In reports of USAID shutting down, the soft power vacuum being filled by Russia or China is discussed ( ). Nobody ever mentions the #EU. Why? Two reasons:
- Nobody thinks the EU can do it.
- Nobody would be concerned if the EU did.
But with talk of EU dumping €800bn into defense, which is good, why is nobody suggesting that the EU find €50bn or so to fill the soft power vacuum? It would be good policy. Here's why: 1/
#Broschüre zum Gemeinsamen Europäischen Asylsystem (GEAS)

Riesige Knäste für 120’000 Menschen in Italien, Spanien oder Griechenland, Asylentscheide nach 12 Wochen und die Türkei als sicherer Drittstaat?

Für uns ist klar, dass diese (gar nicht so) neue Migrationspolitik nicht solidarisch, sondern zutiefst menschenverachtend und rassistisch ist. Sie gilt nicht dem Schutz von Menschen, sondern dem Schutz von Kapital und globalen Machtverhältnissen.

Die GEAS-Reform bedeutet praktisch eine Aufhebung des Rechts auf Asyl und ist ein weiterer Schritt in der konstanten Aufrüstung der EU-Aussengrenzen….


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Schwuler Iraker aus #Deutschland abgeschoben

Obwohl ihm in seinem Heimatland wegen seiner sexuellen Orientierung Folter oder Tod drohen, flog das Bamf einen schwulen Iraker in seine Heimat zurück – gemeinsam mit homophoben Mitinsassen, die ihn in der Heimat sofort outen können….


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Stop #GEAS
"Seit 2014 sind rund 30.000 Menschen auf ihrer Flucht nach Europa im #Mittelmeer ertrunken. Am 8.Juni haben die EU-Innenminster*innen beschlossen, mit der Reform des Gemeinsamen Europäischen #Asylsystems (GEAS) Unmenschlichkeit und menschenrechtsverletzende Praktiken an den Außengrenzen der EU zu ratifizieren. Statt einer Asylpolitik die den oftmals schwer traumatisierten verfolgten Geflüchteten gerecht wird setzt die #EU auf Lager in denen Menschen monatelang unter haftähnlichen Bedingungen eingesperrt werden. Dort sollen sie in einem Schnellverfahren abgefertigt und in vermeitlich sicherer Drittstaaten abgeschoben werden.

Zahlreiche Menschenrechtsorganisationen kritisieren die GEAS aufs Schärfste. Auch wir prangern die menschenrechtsverachtende Politik an. Sie macht jede Abgrenzung der Ampelparteien zu Rechtsextremen zur Heuchelei. Diese Reform ist eine Eskalation der rassistischen und staatlich legitimierten Gewalt gegen Geflüchtete! Darum folgt nun von uns eine Eskalation unserer Methoden.
Weil Menschen ungehört sterben und ihr dabei schweigt,müssen jetzt Scheiben splittern weil ihr nur dann schreit!"


So you want to fight fascism and make a difference right now? Do this:

Join Codeberg e.V. – become part of the organisation; part of the resistance – and actively support this valuable and ethical EU-based anti-fascist¹ git hosting alternative that’s under attack by fascists as we speak:

Seriously, do it now.²

Volunteer and/or donate if you can.

Let’s send Codeberg’s membership through the roof and show these fucking fascists that when they push we push back twice as hard.

When you do, please add your voice to this thread so others can see.

I rarely ask this but please repost this far and wide.


² If you’re having trouble reaching the server, it might also be under attack. You can check the current status of all Codeberg’s servers from

#Codeberg#CodebergUnderAttack#SupportCodeberg #antifascist#EU #european#FOSS#freeSoftware #git #hosting #fediverse #mastodon #community#callToAction

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The registration server might now be getting hit too by fascists.

You can check the status of servers here:

Not to worry, this campaign will continue. And if you notice it’s green, that’s the time to get in and sign up for membership.

A couple of people have already signed up as members (that I’m aware of) in the past half hour or so.

#codeberg#SupportCodeberg#CodebergUnderAttack #fascists #fascism #tech #git #hosting#EU #antifascist#FOSS#callToAction

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So you want to fight fascism and make a difference right now? Do this:

Join Codeberg e.V. – become part of the organisation; part of the resistance – and actively support this valuable and ethical EU-based anti-fascist¹ git hosting alternative that’s under attack by fascists as we speak:

Seriously, do it now.²

Volunteer and/or donate if you can.

Let’s send Codeberg’s membership through the roof and show these fucking fascists that when they push we push back twice as hard.

When you do, please add your voice to this thread so others can see.

I rarely ask this but please repost this far and wide.


² If you’re having trouble reaching the server, it might also be under attack. You can check the current status of all Codeberg’s servers from

#Codeberg#CodebergUnderAttack#SupportCodeberg #antifascist#EU #european#FOSS#freeSoftware #git #hosting #fediverse #mastodon #community#callToAction

@iftas, an organization that's been helping make the fediverse a safer place by supporting admins, moderators and community managers, is asking for our support.

"[...] despite our best efforts to secure sustainable funding, IFTAS is now facing a critical financial shortfall. Without immediate support, we will be forced to severely curtail our activities in the next 60 days."

EDIT: As per a reply, the team is mainly looking for pledges from large donors. Best way you can help as an individual is to spread the word!

#IFTAS #moderation#TrustAndSafety #fediverse #funding#FediMods#MastoMods

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On that page, they are indicating that their biggest financial challenge is their "Content Classification Service (CCS)", a hash-and-match "solution" that is mostly promoted for #CSAM identification. They're also mentioning reporting the respective content to authorities, if found:

»We integrate with your instance using webhooks, processing content you send us to hash the media and match it with known CSAM. Your media never leaves IFTAS. If we find pertinent matches we’ll provide human review, notify you via email and issue a takedown request. We perform any required reporting and law enforcement record-keeping so you don’t have to.«

In the course of the #ChatControl debate in the #EU, it has been widely discussed how such hash-and-match "solutions" can be extended to detect any kind of content, simply because those in control of the hash databases control what gets detected and reported..

IFTAS themselves say: »Future classification services will include hash and match options for non-consensual intimate images, terroristic and violent extremism content, spam, and more.«

In short, the Four Horsemen of the Infocalypse are riding again.

They also say »We cannot open the underlying hash matching databases«, which means: no local hash databases, hence remote hashing is required.

I'd think twice if I really want to pass on all content of an instance to an external entity, for hashing and and potential reporting. We are talking about "China and dissident content" situations here, but in the context of the USA of 2025 and beyond – I'd certainly not want to donate to help implementing this.


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Consider this: The #EU has just won 2 court cases against big tech. Yet these do not get continuous MSM attention. The USA banning #TikTok is wall-to-wall even here in Europe. We need to celebrate our wins more, not obsess about USA (frankly) incompetence.

"**the European Court of Justice gave the Union's regulators two major victories in their ongoing battles with tech giants, judging that #Apple and #Google must pay over €15 billion in total"**