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Stop #GEAS
"Seit 2014 sind rund 30.000 Menschen auf ihrer Flucht nach Europa im #Mittelmeer ertrunken. Am 8.Juni haben die EU-Innenminster*innen beschlossen, mit der Reform des Gemeinsamen Europäischen #Asylsystems (GEAS) Unmenschlichkeit und menschenrechtsverletzende Praktiken an den Außengrenzen der EU zu ratifizieren. Statt einer Asylpolitik die den oftmals schwer traumatisierten verfolgten Geflüchteten gerecht wird setzt die #EU auf Lager in denen Menschen monatelang unter haftähnlichen Bedingungen eingesperrt werden. Dort sollen sie in einem Schnellverfahren abgefertigt und in vermeitlich sicherer Drittstaaten abgeschoben werden.

Zahlreiche Menschenrechtsorganisationen kritisieren die GEAS aufs Schärfste. Auch wir prangern die menschenrechtsverachtende Politik an. Sie macht jede Abgrenzung der Ampelparteien zu Rechtsextremen zur Heuchelei. Diese Reform ist eine Eskalation der rassistischen und staatlich legitimierten Gewalt gegen Geflüchtete! Darum folgt nun von uns eine Eskalation unserer Methoden.
Weil Menschen ungehört sterben und ihr dabei schweigt,müssen jetzt Scheiben splittern weil ihr nur dann schreit!"


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EURO-ZONE!!!! (...fuck yeah! 🦅)
Coming to save the mf day, yeah~
EURO-ZONE!!!! (...fuck yeah!🦅)
Freedom is the only way, yeah~

Imperialists, your game is thru,
cus now you'll have to answer to~


EURO-ZONE!!! ( I guess... (⁠ ⁠・ั⁠﹏⁠・ั⁠) )
( yeah, we can't believe it either, #Africa )

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⚙️ Star Trek The Next Generation, Battlestar Galactica, The Expanse, Doctor Who, The X-Files, etc. How much we love sci-fi series! I don't know if we would have enjoyed them as much if the BBC hadn't gotten involved about 83 years ago, when on February 11, 1938, it broadcast the first sci-fi film in history on TV (more specifically, the first sci-fi program-film-whatever made specifically for TV).

⚙️ Initially, I wanted to call it a series, but it was simply a 35-minute adaptation of a part of the play "R.U.R." by the Czech writer Karel Čapek. "R.U.R." stands for "Rossumovi Univerzální Roboti (Rossum's Universal Robots)" and was first staged in 1921. It's about humans who create robots (more closely related to the idea of "androids," "replicants" from Blade Runner, or "cylons" from Battlestar Galactica) that eventually rebel against their creators.

⚙️ The most important thing is that in "R.U.R." the term "robot" was used for the first time.

📸 Photo: a sequence from the BBC adaptation of the play "R.U.R." for the small screen (1938)

#History#Culture#TV#SciFi#Robots#Android#RUR#Czech #czechrepublic #europe#KarelCapek

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Starting in 📆 2025, at least two #European 🇪🇺 launch startups (#IsarAerospace and #RocketFactory Augsburg) expect to offer more choices for both institutional and commercial customers. The field will continue to widen toward the close of the decade, with #MaiaSpace, #Latitude, #HyImpulse, #HyPrSpace, #Orbex, #PLDSpace, and #Skyrora all working toward an inaugural flight of their respective vehicles.

#Arianespace#IRIS2#SpaceCompany #competition#Europe

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The idea that some #bankers from Goldman and Bank of America will go into the guts of some of #Europe's largest institutional #SpaceCompanies and emerge with a lean, competitive entity seems far-fetched, to put it mildly 🙄. One might even expect that it would be more likely to observe #unicorns 🦄 dancing in a flame duct.