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⚙️ Star Trek The Next Generation, Battlestar Galactica, The Expanse, Doctor Who, The X-Files, etc. How much we love sci-fi series! I don't know if we would have enjoyed them as much if the BBC hadn't gotten involved about 83 years ago, when on February 11, 1938, it broadcast the first sci-fi film in history on TV (more specifically, the first sci-fi program-film-whatever made specifically for TV).

⚙️ Initially, I wanted to call it a series, but it was simply a 35-minute adaptation of a part of the play "R.U.R." by the Czech writer Karel Čapek. "R.U.R." stands for "Rossumovi Univerzální Roboti (Rossum's Universal Robots)" and was first staged in 1921. It's about humans who create robots (more closely related to the idea of "androids," "replicants" from Blade Runner, or "cylons" from Battlestar Galactica) that eventually rebel against their creators.

⚙️ The most important thing is that in "R.U.R." the term "robot" was used for the first time.

📸 Photo: a sequence from the BBC adaptation of the play "R.U.R." for the small screen (1938)

#History#Culture#TV#SciFi#Robots#Android#RUR#Czech #czechrepublic #europe#KarelCapek

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Yeesh, these Babylon 5 TV movies are ... not great. Just watched River of Souls (1999). The production values were somewhat lower in the pilot (The Gathering, 1998), as you'd expect, but the writing, acting and overall vibe was significantly better.

Would I be missing much if I skipped A Call to Arms (1999) and went straight so season 6? Would I be better to quit white I'm ahead and pretend everything made after season 5 is fanfic?
