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A map for my worldbuilding project. This is an “eyeball planet” a special type of tidally locked world. 1 is supposed to look like what people living there would use. 2 is just to visualize what direction the winds are blowing. 3 is with major shipping lanes overlayed (I wanted to include them with the first, but left them out because I didn’t like the vibes)

Also thanks to Quanox, Shura, Dazze, Happy skies, @sequentialsnep Gotyoureyes and Remy for contributing one city name each.

#digitalart #muellermeier #map #worldbuilding #scifi #planet #hardsciencefiction #sciencefiction

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Far from finished, but this is the extended shape the improved land of Nicea. The new sections are to the far west and east. Seeing the ocean on both sides really frames the continent and aesthetically improves the map more than I would have guessed. Next I need to add forest details to the west, then colour and the border needs work. #shadows #mapping #dndmap #dndcartography #cartography #cartographer #rpg#dnd #roleplaying #fantasy #map #ttrpgart #largemap#gamesmaster #rpggame #dndcreatives

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#TermsOfArt 😂
@georgetakei ,

Terms of Art; that might not be considered * peaceably assembling,* hahahaye, M.edical A.ssistance P.rogram #MAP //

#Art | #Awe#Wonder

Takin’ It to the Streets

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Back to the magical land of Nicea, I’m working on the line work for the jungles to the East, an excuse to draw lots of dinosaurs in the dense rainforest. It’s for dungeons and dragons so the land need to invite exploration. The jungle is criss crossed by rivers, with tall rock formations and mysterious ziggurats. The jungle gives way to a desert region and a few settlements. Plenty of caves and ruins to explore. #mapping #cartography #rpg#dnd #fantasy #map #ttrpg #fantasymap #map #mapmaker

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I’m back once again to the magical land of Nicea. The client has been using the map in family games and now wants to extend the map to the east and west so it shows the whole continent which will look great. There is so much this map taught me, I love the spherical projection, I really want to draw a world map this way at some point. #shadows #mapping #dndmap #dndcartography #cartography #cartographer #rpg#dnd #roleplaying #fantasy #map #ttrpgart

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In 1976, The New Yorker magazine published Saul Steinberg's famous cover meant to show the perspective on the world of the average person on 9th Ave in NYC. Its impact was immediate and still continues today, as it wasn't just a specific joke, but a lens by which you can portray the local perspective of anyone. In a paper publishing next month we look at Saul Steinberg's projection and how its a culmination of regionalism in geography.
#maps #history #nyc #map #geography

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Wowzer! Map of cosmic flows, by yours truly, makes it to the cover of the Nature Astronomy journal.

"Galaxies from
wherever flock

I'm no poet, but could this be a Haiku?

Image: Daniel Pomarède, Institut de Recherche sur les Lois Fondamentales de l’Univers, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay.
Cover design: Bethany Vukomanovic.

#Cosmology#Galaxies#Astronomy #Astrodon#Astrophysics#Cosmography#Cartography#Map#Cosmicflows #science#STEM #news #space

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A map of the structure surrounding the Local Void

In this map our Milky Way galaxy lies at the origin of the red-green-blue orientation arrows, each 200 million lightyears in length.

☑️ this is Fig.1 of
☑️ more insights by APOD:

#Cosmology#Cosmography#LocalVoid#APOD#GreatAttractor #map #astronomy #astrophysics#astrodon #science#STEM#MilkyWay #galaxy #galaxies#CosmicWeb

a cosmographic map featuring the cosmological large scale structure in our local cosmic neighborhood. The density field is displayed as semi-transparent isosurfaces, colored grey for the the lower isocontour value, and colored in nuances of red for five higher levels. The resulting structure is filamentary, with high-density knots at the filaments' crossing, an architecture typical of the Cosmic Web. Three colored arrows materialize the cardinal axes of the Supergalactic Coordiante System, centered at our location. Several important actors of our local cosmography are named: Milky Way, Virgo, Arrowhead, Great Attractor, Perseus-Pisces, Coma, Arch, Hercules. The name of the astronomer leading the study is inprinted in the lower right corner of the figure, reading R. Brent Tully. All these elements are drawn against a white background.
a cosmographic map featuring the cosmological large scale structure in our local cosmic neighborhood. The density field is displayed as semi-transparent isosurfaces, colored grey for the the lower isocontour value, and colored in nuances of red for five higher levels. The resulting structure is filamentary, with high-density knots at the filaments' crossing, an architecture typical of the Cosmic Web. Three colored arrows materialize the cardinal axes of the Supergalactic Coordiante System, centered at our location. Several important actors of our local cosmography are named: Milky Way, Virgo, Arrowhead, Great Attractor, Perseus-Pisces, Coma, Arch, Hercules. The name of the astronomer leading the study is inprinted in the lower right corner of the figure, reading R. Brent Tully. All these elements are drawn against a white background.