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The seventh flight of the Starship ended with an explosion. The US space company SpaceX has announced the reason.
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The seventh flight of the Starship ended with an explosion. The US space company SpaceX has announced the reason.
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#RakietaFalcon9#PolskaAgencjaKosmiczna #polska #poland #falcon9#Technology #ai #news #nasa#Mastodon #fediverse #feditech #bluesky
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I've assembled a list of 40+ outlets that I find valuable, prominently featuring:
* nonprofit, co-operative, and independent news rooms,
* outlets relevant to Petaluma and the Bay Area,
* international outlets,
* and, yes, a selection of for-profit outlets.
Many of them are on fedi or Bluesky.
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A new eight-rotor robotic probe will head to the solar system’s most Earth-like moon. Here’s what its team is doing to prepare.
Check out this extensive paper by Matthew R. Francis for Eos, AGU's science news magazine
#Dragonfly#Titan#Saturn#Moon #satellite #solarsystem #planetaryscience #science#STEM #engineering #drone#AGU#Eos #news #magazine
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"Participants...viewed journalism as a form of oppression that had the same impact on their lives as the police. Journalism in general, and the BBC in particular, they said, felt like an arm of the state."
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Vice-chancellor Wendy Larner says "it is no longer an option for us to continue as we are".
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From the 20th of January it's going back to the Ole
#KuKluxClan (White) House !
Who thought it would come to this second Term ?
#YMCA will play for #Trump exclusively, pretending, their Song was never ment gay - what "relieving" #News for the #World. At least the most cringe Comment, whatsoever. Maybe the gay #Community should look for another Hymn, after this Comment from #VictorWillis.He made sich #Statements already before.
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"Galaxies from
wherever flock
I'm no poet, but could this be a Haiku?
Image: Daniel Pomarède, Institut de Recherche sur les Lois Fondamentales de l’Univers, CEA, Université Paris-Saclay.
Cover design: Bethany Vukomanovic.
#Cosmology#Galaxies#Astronomy #Astrodon#Astrophysics#Cosmography#Cartography#Map#Cosmicflows #science#STEM #news #space
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A New Strategy for the Exploration of Venus
by the VEXAG Exploration Strategy Study Analysis Workgroup
#Venus#PlanetaryScience #Astrodon#Science#STEM #planet #planets #solarsystem #engineering #news
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Scientists simulated a situation that may offer an improved explanation for how the Red Planet ended up with small Phobos and tiny Deimos.
Credits video: Jacob Kegerreis, et al./NASA Ames
#Mars#Phobos#Deimos #science #Astrodon#STEM #space #rings#NYTimes #news