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A Dragonfly for Titan

A new eight-rotor robotic probe will head to the solar system’s most Earth-like moon. Here’s what its team is doing to prepare.

Check out this extensive paper by Matthew R. Francis for Eos, AGU's science news magazine

#Dragonfly#Titan#Saturn#Moon #satellite #solarsystem #planetaryscience #science#STEM #engineering #drone#AGU#Eos #news #magazine

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OK, that's enough news this morning. Everyone, post some of your favorite Dragon Magazine covers. Here's mine, from Issue 126 by Daniel Horne. I didn't actually encounter this piece in Dragon Magazine; I saw it repeatedly used by TSR in other promotional materials and fell in love with it.


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Worlds of IF (September 1962)

I can't tell if those are ships or satellites and whether they're moving or not, but I love how the planet is above and the empty space is below.

I have searched in vain for a trace of the used book shop whose stamp is on this. I can practically smell the place!

Original magazine:
