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-- Banksy
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Everybody welcome, just turn up!
LIVE @UCLAnthropology and on ZOOM
🌘Tues Feb 25, 6:30pm (London UTC)🌑
Erica Lagalisse
'On Anarchist Anthropology' in conversation with our own activist and radical anthropologist Chris Knight.
Erica is author of 'Occult Features of Anarchism' (PM Press, 2019). And many many popular anthropology zines!
Erica will be LIVE in the Daryll Forde, 2nd Floor of UCL Anthropology Dept. Come in good time by 6:30pm before doors close please. You can also join on ZOOM ID 384 186 2174 passcode Wawilak
#anarchism #anthropology #politics #activism #ethnography #conspiracytheory #religion
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When you read the *Recorded Sayings of Linji* for instance—one of the most important texts in the Rinzai sect of Japanese Zen Buddhism today—you can see Zen masters being challenged, yelled at, and even beaten, by Linji himself. All of this would be completely unthinkable in institutionalized Zen nowadays. This text just shows how iconoclastic and irreverent Chan could be, and, more importantly, how one could, through practice, become free of ego and social conventions, and ultimately how ungovernable one could become—something that should be of great interest to my good anarchists friend I reckon.
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I also keep forgetting, if you are an archivist (particulary of japanese stuff) or good sleuth i'd love help finding digital copies of the early copies of the Heimin Shinbun newspaper. (平民新聞). From 1904-1908 (Meiji 37-41) specifically. #buddhism #japanese #日本語 #anarchism much love❤️! Uchiyama Gudo was known to contribute from time to time and I just cant find any. Please and thank you!
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#buddhism #anarchobuddhism #translation #japanese #仏教 #日本語 #anarchism #無政府主義
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#buddhism #anarchobuddhism #translation #japanese #仏教 #日本語 #anarchism #無政府主義
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