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Trying out the 'Import spreadsheet' Blender plugin. Wish I'd found this before :)

Used QGIS to spatially join a diamond 0.5 degree grid to Natural Earth vectors,
keeping only points over land.

Then export as CSV, then import to blender with the plugin

Geometry nodes in reply...


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Experimenting with a different workflow with #Blender and #QGIS, using #Inkscape

Normally I use QGIS to export the SVG from print composer, but if I export a black/white raster (high resolution), then use the Inkscape 'trace bitmap', the SVG is much easier to work with in Blender.

Used this to import my calligraphy into Blender before, but I hadn't thought of applying it to maps.

(This is central Venice, data copyright #OpenStreetMap contributors)

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Short Film: The Lost Tower

Florent Rebrun created this fantastic short film in Blender. The music, a collaboration with Louis Lacoste, reinforces the Ghibli-like atmosphere. It's a fantastic production, and I'm left wanting to see more!

#blender #blender3d #b3d

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Edinburgh castle, breathing in and out. The elevation is scaled by a sine curve over time, giving a looping animation, where heights morph into depths then back again.


A 3d model of Edinburgh Castle. It goes from a flat plane to a model of the castle, back to a flat plane, then to an inverted model of the castle. The effect looks like the city is 'breathing'

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This Blender Shader is the Secret to Magical 3D Art

Levi shows how to set up a stylized crystal shader in Blender for manga-like effects, using only shader nodes!

#blender #blender3d #b3d

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A vertical fisheye animation flying west to east along George Street in #Edinburgh

Camera starts over Melville Street, flies over charlotte Square and along George Street, crosses St Andrews Square and St James Quarter.

DEM data from, down-sampled to 2m/pixel.

DEM is from early 2020s I think, so St James Quarter is being built (I had to edit out some cranes!)

Inspired by some similar footage in the first Matrix film


A fisheye camera pans slowly over square parks and along a street in central Edinburgh Buildings and roads run either side of a grid of streets, and curve into and out of view. A few tall buildings and statue columns speed past just underneath the camera

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In the process of redesigning this ship. I'm glad I was able to keep the over-all look and feel of the ship, while greatly simplifying its structure by changing the spherical tanks to pill-shapes #scifi#Blender