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Hunting the frumious bandersnatch…

SOMETIMES, this shot crashes Blender 2.79. Sometimes it does not. I was careful this time, and made sure to save the camera angle prior to rendering.

Freestyle is on, so far, but it seemed to happen prior to running Freestyle. No change in PoV.

What invisible monster lurks in this rather plain looking set…?

The most problematic thing I can see is that the camera is clipping a foreground object.

I had two crashes in about 8 tries, so call it 1/4 of the time.

I need to fix something, but what..?

After a few tries I get a crash and a backtrace:

Blender 2.79 (sub 0), Commit date: 2018-03-22 14:10, Hash f4dc9f9d68b


blender279(BLI_system_backtrace+0x20) [0x1a6c700]
blender279() [0x1078395]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f7d3e25ddd0]
blender279(BKE_mesh_tangent_loops_to_tessdata+0xcb) [0x180992b]
blender279(DM_generate_tangent_tessface_data+0x246) [0x17416d6]
blender279() [0x13e643b]
blender279() [0x13e9134]
blender279() [0x13ebf8d]
blender279() [0x13ec652]
blender279(RE_Database_FromScene+0x1b1) [0x13ed4f1]
blender279() [0x1404802]
blender279() [0x1404d18]
blender279() [0x140814a]
blender279(RE_BlenderFrame+0xbe) [0x140879e]
blender279() [0x134a121]
blender279() [0x10887ba]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f7d3ea4cea7]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f7d3e320acf]

Unfortunately, this means very little to me.

Maybe see if it crashes with Freestyle turned off… #Blender3D #LunaticsProject #BugHunt

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On this, the eve of Flow taking home an Oscar, I want to note that Blender exists in its current form because after Ton Roosendaal spearheaded writing it, released it as freeware, had his company dissolve, tried developing it as shareware, had the company developing it go bankrupt, and built a non-profit foundation to crowd-source funding for it... Enough people stepped up to fund it that it still lives.

It's a hell of a testament to a software author---and a community's---insistence that in spite of market evidence to the contrary, the software is good and worthy of continued existence.


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Short Film: The Lost Tower

Florent Rebrun created this fantastic short film in Blender. The music, a collaboration with Louis Lacoste, reinforces the Ghibli-like atmosphere. It's a fantastic production, and I'm left wanting to see more!

#blender #blender3d #b3d

Content Warning

This Blender Shader is the Secret to Magical 3D Art

Levi shows how to set up a stylized crystal shader in Blender for manga-like effects, using only shader nodes!

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