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Acrylic on Canvas Board - 21 录" x 14 戮"
This early science fiction piece was commissioned by DAW and later collected in my first art book WONDERWORKS. 1/3
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This early science fiction piece was commissioned by DAW and later collected in my first art book WONDERWORKS. 1/3
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It illustrates Fritz Leiber's "A Bad Day for Sales" (1953)
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Since I was endeavoring to be the illustrator most faithful to Burroughs' descriptions, Lester del Rey and I had a lengthy discussion about whether the white lizard I wanted to show had six or eight legs. 1/4
#sciencefiction#scifi #scifiart #sff #edgarriceburroughs #johncarter #barsoom
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L, Attila Hejja, 1983; R, Bob Eggleton, 1991
#scifi #sciencefiction #books
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I guess that thing is landing, not taking off, or the stereotyped Indian guy wouldn't be so interested in it/apprehensive about it? Good setup for a story, would read.
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This is one of my all-time favorite cover paintings. 1/3
#sciencefiction#scifi #scifiart #sff #illustration #cjcherryh #hani
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L, 1970; R, 1972
#scifi #sciencefiction #art #artist
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The Fuzzy Sapiens created by H. Beam Piper first appeared in the early 1960's and they were a welcome contrast to the menacing aliens that seemed to dominate science fiction of the day. 1/2
#sciencefiction#scifi #scifiart #sff #illustration#hbeampiper
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#TTRPG #tabletopgames #tabletop#SciFi#ScienceFiction#GameDev
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Throughout the Dark Tower series, Stephen King portrayed Roland's group of fighters known as the Ka-Tet as a circle. 1/2
#horror #horrorart #fantasy #sciencefiction #sff #illustration #darktower #stephenking#rolanddeschain #eddiedean #susannahdean#jakechambers #oy #billybumbler
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I can't tell if those are ships or satellites and whether they're moving or not, but I love how the planet is above and the empty space is below.
I have searched in vain for a trace of the used book shop whose stamp is on this. I can practically smell the place!
Original magazine:
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