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Today we have two originals, a preliminary concept and a finished study that Michael completed during his work on a cover for a forthcoming special edition of At the Mountains of Madness by H.P. Lovecraft from Centipede Press. 1/3

#horror #illustration #hplovecraft #originalart #shoggoth

FEARFUL GEOMETRY (2024), Acrylic on Panel, 8” x 8”, Custom framed mounted on black wood panel with dark silver wood moulding.

A pale green, five-pointed star with chipped points rests upon textured gray stone as a slender tentacle extends from off panel to cup and curl around it. The skin of the tentacle is smooth, green and yellow like a snake but suggests something more horrific as it sprouts eyeballs at random and becomes serrated approaching the tip. A second star forms at the center of the soapstone, recessed, radiating lines outward to the points and to the intersections of sides. Teardrops are etched on the ridge of each diamond segment with an arc dots on the bevel of each slope. Drops of bright red bead on the stone in the lower right.
FEARFUL GEOMETRY (2024), Acrylic on Panel, 8” x 8”, Custom framed mounted on black wood panel with dark silver wood moulding. A pale green, five-pointed star with chipped points rests upon textured gray stone as a slender tentacle extends from off panel to cup and curl around it. The skin of the tentacle is smooth, green and yellow like a snake but suggests something more horrific as it sprouts eyeballs at random and becomes serrated approaching the tip. A second star forms at the center of the soapstone, recessed, radiating lines outward to the points and to the intersections of sides. Teardrops are etched on the ridge of each diamond segment with an arc dots on the bevel of each slope. Drops of bright red bead on the stone in the lower right.
BLIZZARD OF FEAR (2018), Oil on Board - 11” x 14”, Custom framed in gray/brown rustic wood moulding.

A bearded man in polar gear grips a five-pointed star as he turns in surprise with his russet colored scarf whipping near horizontal, caught by chill Antarctic wind. Drifts blow at his feet, defining a line of white. His stance is set wide suggesting pivoting movement. A side satchel is strapped across his chest, tying together the colors of scarf, leather, and beard. Emerging at the edge of the snow covered mountain is a Shoggoth, a tentacled monstrosity with a myriad of eyes clustered in the knot of flesh that is the center of its mass.
BLIZZARD OF FEAR (2018), Oil on Board - 11” x 14”, Custom framed in gray/brown rustic wood moulding. A bearded man in polar gear grips a five-pointed star as he turns in surprise with his russet colored scarf whipping near horizontal, caught by chill Antarctic wind. Drifts blow at his feet, defining a line of white. His stance is set wide suggesting pivoting movement. A side satchel is strapped across his chest, tying together the colors of scarf, leather, and beard. Emerging at the edge of the snow covered mountain is a Shoggoth, a tentacled monstrosity with a myriad of eyes clustered in the knot of flesh that is the center of its mass.

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Tomes and Talismans is the best post-apocalyptic, dystopian, educatioal series about the Dewey Decimal System ever devised: On a future Earth, we have been colonized by simple-minded, humanoid aliens called The Wipers who have destroyed our technology and our ability to communicate on a massive scale. The only way to stop the only way to stop them? Efficiently navigating a library and reading books! The more our world falls to ignorance and illiteracy, the more this silly show feels like a documentary. THE WIPERS ARE HERE! THEY’RE ALREADY HERE!!! #scifi #sciencefiction #postapocalyptic #appcalypse #publicaccess #libraries #books #reading #librarians #aliens #invasion #horror

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Oil on Panel - 28" x 18"

Throughout the Dark Tower series, Stephen King portrayed Roland's group of fighters known as the Ka-Tet as a circle. 1/2

#horror #horrorart #fantasy #sciencefiction #sff #illustration #darktower #stephenking#rolanddeschain #eddiedean #susannahdean#jakechambers #oy #billybumbler

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Worlds of IF (September 1962)

I can't tell if those are ships or satellites and whether they're moving or not, but I love how the planet is above and the empty space is below.

I have searched in vain for a trace of the used book shop whose stamp is on this. I can practically smell the place!

Original magazine:
