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After a night of temptation and doubt, Buddha reached enlightenment just as Venus appeared in the morning sky.

Perhaps inspired by this, Jizen may have used the radish to symbolise the star, linking it to the overcoming of obstacles. The vegetable would come to be seen as a charm.

#daikondaki #大根だき#Buddha #venus #radish #radishfestival#Daihoonji#SenbonShakado

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Buddhist Quote for Today: Pema Chödrön

Don’t get caught up in hopes of what you’ll achieve and how good your situation will be some day in the future. What you do right now is what matters. — Pema Chödrön

See more: https://buddhistdoor.net

#buddhistquotes #buddha #dharma #buddhism #vajrayana#tibetanbuddhism #usa #canada #liberation #mindfulness #meditation #compassion #peace #buddhistpractice #bodhisattva #quoteoftheday