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Buddhistdoor Quote for Today: Padmasambhava (fl. c. 8th century)

Don’t mistake mere words to be the meaning of the teachings. Mingle the practice with your own being and attain liberation from samsara right now!. ― Padmasambhava (fl. c. 8th century)

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Buddhistdoor Quote for Today: Padmasambhava (fl. c. 8th century)

Don’t mistake mere words to be the meaning of the teachings. Mingle the practice with your own being and attain liberation from samsara right now!. ― Padmasambhava (fl. c. 8th century)

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#Buddhism#Vajrayana#India#AwakenedMind#Tibet#SpiritualGrowth#Dharma #TibetanBuddhism#GuruRinpoche

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• 📆 2018, #ISS became the first facility to produce #BECs ⚛️ in #space 🌌
• In #space, so-called cool flames 🔥 can burn for minutes
#ISS water 💦 purification system deployed across #India 🇮🇳, #Mexico 🇲🇽, #Pakistan🇵🇰
#StemCells regenerative medicine ⚕️ could repair/replace failing organs and cells
• Higher quality protein crystals
#Microbes 🦠 can extract metals from #regolith
• Tissue/organ-on-a-chip effects faster in #microgravity
• Organ growth


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BDG news: Tibetan Nuns Project Highlights Plumbing Crisis for Buddhist Nuns of Shugsep Nunnery in Dharamsala

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BDG feature: His Eminence Kirti Rinpoche’s Tireless Efforts to Preserve the Kirti Tradition and Tibetan Buddhism: An Interview with Konchok Jigme, Secretary to Kirti Rinpoche

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BDG Special Report: Ven. Pomnyun Sunim Leads 430 Practitioners on a Pilgrimage to India and Nepal in the Footsteps of the Buddha

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Buddhist Quote for Today: Aśvaghoṣa (c. 80–c. 150 CE)

Like the lotus flower that grows out of muddy water but stays untouched by mud, engage in life without cherishing envy or hatred; live in the world not a life of self but a life of truth. — Aśvaghoṣa (c. 80–c. 150 CE)

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Buddhist Quote for Today: Aśvaghoṣa (c. 80–c. 150 CE)

Like the lotus flower that grows out of muddy water but stays untouched by mud, engage in life without cherishing envy or hatred; live in the world not a life of self but a life of truth. — Aśvaghoṣa (c. 80–c. 150 CE)

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Buddhist Quote for Today: Vasubandhu (fl. 4th–5th century CE)

There are two aspects to the Dharma of the Buddha. They are the teachings and the realizations. Uphold the teachings by learning and by teaching, and the realizations by training in them. — Vasubandhu (fl. 4th–5th century CE)

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Buddhist Quote for Today: Vasubandhu (fl. 4th–5th century CE)

There are two aspects to the Dharma of the Buddha. They are the teachings and the realizations. Uphold the teachings by learning and by teaching, and the realizations by training in them. — Vasubandhu (fl. 4th–5th century CE)

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#buddhistquotes #buddha #dharma #buddhism #wisdom #mahayana #india #liberation #mindfulness #meditation #compassion #peace #buddhistpractice #bodhisattva #quoteoftheday

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BDG feature: ​​​​Monlam Chenmo Dedicated to the Long Life of the Dalai Lama Held at Kirti Monastery in Bodh Gaya

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