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BDG news: Online Dharma: Tergar Announces Free Webinar Series with Mingyur Rinpoche on Buddhism and Neuroscience

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Buddhistdoor Quote for Today: Joseph Goldstein

When we see deeply that all that is subject to arising is also subject to cessation, that whatever arises will also pass away, the mind becomes disenchanted. Becoming disenchanted, one becomes dispassionate. And through dispassion, the mind is liberated. β€” Joseph Goldstein

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Buddhistdoor Quote for Today: Joseph Goldstein

When we see deeply that all that is subject to arising is also subject to cessation, that whatever arises will also pass away, the mind becomes disenchanted. Becoming disenchanted, one becomes dispassionate. And through dispassion, the mind is liberated. β€” Joseph Goldstein

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BDG feature: Metta’s Mirror -- Our loving-kindness meditator finds new friends after stepping away from a place of conflict

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Buddhist Quote for Today: Jetsun Milarepa (c. 1052–c. 1135)

Having meditated on gentleness and on compassion, I have forgotten the difference between myself and others. β€” Jetsun Milarepa (c. 1052–c. 1135)

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Buddhist Quote for Today: AΕ›vaghoαΉ£a (c. 80–c. 150 CE)

Like the lotus flower that grows out of muddy water but stays untouched by mud, engage in life without cherishing envy or hatred; live in the world not a life of self but a life of truth. β€” AΕ›vaghoαΉ£a (c. 80–c. 150 CE)

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Buddhist Quote for Today: AΕ›vaghoαΉ£a (c. 80–c. 150 CE)

Like the lotus flower that grows out of muddy water but stays untouched by mud, engage in life without cherishing envy or hatred; live in the world not a life of self but a life of truth. β€” AΕ›vaghoαΉ£a (c. 80–c. 150 CE)

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Buddhist Quote for Today: Vasubandhu (fl. 4th–5th century CE)

There are two aspects to the Dharma of the Buddha. They are the teachings and the realizations. Uphold the teachings by learning and by teaching, and the realizations by training in them. β€” Vasubandhu (fl. 4th–5th century CE)

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