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Buddhistdoor Quote for Today: Padmasambhava (fl. c. 8th century)

Donโ€™t mistake mere words to be the meaning of the teachings. Mingle the practice with your own being and attain liberation from samsara right now!. โ€• Padmasambhava (fl. c. 8th century)

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Buddhistdoor Quote for Today: Padmasambhava (fl. c. 8th century)

Donโ€™t mistake mere words to be the meaning of the teachings. Mingle the practice with your own being and attain liberation from samsara right now!. โ€• Padmasambhava (fl. c. 8th century)

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Buddhistdoor Quote for Today: Tsele Natsok Rangdrรถl (b. 1608)

Sincerely take to heart the fact that the time of Death lies uncertain. Then knowing that there is not time to waste, diligently apply yourself to spiritual practice! โ€” Tsele Natsok Rangdrรถl (b. 1608)

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Buddhistdoor Quote for Today: Tsele Natsok Rangdrรถl (b. 1608)

Sincerely take to heart the fact that the time of Death lies uncertain. Then knowing that there is not time to waste, diligently apply yourself to spiritual practice! โ€” Tsele Natsok Rangdrรถl (b. 1608)

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BDG news: Online Dharma: Matthieu Ricard to Give Live-streamed Teaching โ€œAcceptance of the Profound Dharmaโ€

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Buddhistdoor Quote for Today: Dudjom Rinpoche (1904โ€“1987)

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Buddhistdoor Quote for Today: Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (1820โ€“1892)

The pristine radiance of the sun of lucid explanations Unfolds the lotus of intelligence in the fortunate, Simultaneously clearing the fog of mistaken pathsโ€” May the light of the Buddhaโ€™s teachings be all pervading! โ€” Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (1820โ€“1892)

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Buddhistdoor Quote for Today: Sera Khandro (1892โ€“1940)

May we embrace the Buddhaโ€™s teachings that inspire us
to practice the essential sublime Dharma now
when we are enjoying excellent human lives,
so hard to come by and blessed with freedoms and advantages. โ€” Sera Khandro (1892โ€“1940)

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Buddhistdoor Quote for Today: Tsoknyi Rinpoche

The Buddha urged us to get off our chairs, our couches, and our cushions and get moving: to start living as though our lives meant something, to "awaken" to the knowledge that the ways we think, feel, and act have an effect on the world around us. โ€” Tsoknyi Rinpoche

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Buddhistdoor Quote for Today: Tai Situ Rinpoche

When something is going too far somebody has to stand up and say something, otherwise everybody will just follow the crowd so that nothing changes. In this way, so many people will suffer, which is not only unnecessary but negative. The Buddhist view of this is very clear. โ€” Tai Situ Rinpoche

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