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#English is a #wonderful#Language ! Never heard that #Word: "#Wusses", before, but it describes perfectly, what (most) #Reps actually are. In German it's the same as #Coward or #Douchebag. Got Tears in my #Eyes from #Laughing. The #Lady is a "#Tramp" and #wonderful ! Best #Regards.

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The USA has given itself a sair orange dunkle, so here's hoping they can dunner an ding it out of their system - quick.

#Scottish weekly word #illustration "Jings Edie that's a richt sair dunkle yiv gi'en yersel.

Dinni worry we'll ding it oot ahn ye'll be as good as new in no time."
#tractor #scots #art #language

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I thought 'chips' was American for crisps, not tortilla. Oh well. Do Americans also call Wotsits 'chips'? Where do they draw the line. What about Pringles? What about crispy pancakes? What about crispy pancakes made from potato flour?
#food#NotChips#English #language #troll