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And just in case (having read the previous post) you were thinking a healthy diet is all about choice.... what we actually see is that to maintain a healthy diet takes an impossible proportion of disposable income for the poorest 20% of the population.... no-one can spend 70% of their income on food when they also are confronted with rising fuel prices & record rents....

We are living in a country which is hurtling back to the social structures of Victorian Britain.

#Food #health

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Dumplings 🥟 for dins. A tale of two families. I was taught to make momos <L> (Tibetan side of fam) and pleated dumplings <R> (Cantonese side of fam) Im going to make them into “War Tip” which is Cantonese for panfried dumplings like Gyoza #Cantonese#Tibetan #food

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I thought 'chips' was American for crisps, not tortilla. Oh well. Do Americans also call Wotsits 'chips'? Where do they draw the line. What about Pringles? What about crispy pancakes? What about crispy pancakes made from potato flour?
#food#NotChips#English #language #troll

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Another Brexit fiasco.... British cheeses failed to get to the World Cheese Awards in Portugal as they failed to clear customer in time (now being from a non-EU country).

In the scale of the disasters of Brexit its not going to to be a big thing (although it will be for the frustrated cheese makers), but is emblematic of how myopic the Brexiters were about the impact of their successful plan to leave Europe....

#brexit #cheese #food