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Hunting the frumious bandersnatchโ€ฆ

SOMETIMES, this shot crashes Blender 2.79. Sometimes it does not. I was careful this time, and made sure to save the camera angle prior to rendering.

Freestyle is on, so far, but it seemed to happen prior to running Freestyle. No change in PoV.

What invisible monster lurks in this rather plain looking setโ€ฆ?

The most problematic thing I can see is that the camera is clipping a foreground object.

I had two crashes in about 8 tries, so call it 1/4 of the time.

I need to fix something, but what..?

After a few tries I get a crash and a backtrace:

Blender 2.79 (sub 0), Commit date: 2018-03-22 14:10, Hash f4dc9f9d68b


blender279(BLI_system_backtrace+0x20) [0x1a6c700]
blender279() [0x1078395]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f7d3e25ddd0]
blender279(BKE_mesh_tangent_loops_to_tessdata+0xcb) [0x180992b]
blender279(DM_generate_tangent_tessface_data+0x246) [0x17416d6]
blender279() [0x13e643b]
blender279() [0x13e9134]
blender279() [0x13ebf8d]
blender279() [0x13ec652]
blender279(RE_Database_FromScene+0x1b1) [0x13ed4f1]
blender279() [0x1404802]
blender279() [0x1404d18]
blender279() [0x140814a]
blender279(RE_BlenderFrame+0xbe) [0x140879e]
blender279() [0x134a121]
blender279() [0x10887ba]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f7d3ea4cea7]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f7d3e320acf]

Unfortunately, this means very little to me.

Maybe see if it crashes with Freestyle turned offโ€ฆ #Blender3D #LunaticsProject #BugHunt