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#scifi #sciencefiction
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I kind of wish someone had done a #ttrpg set in that universe. I proposed as much to Steve Jackson Games back in the late 1990s, in the form of a #GURPS setting book, but they didn't bite.
Today I doubt it would get much of an audience. Too bad. There are a lot of great stories in that universe, and it's always been a big inspiration to me.
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I’ve started reading book 9 of #theExpanse and was confused by a huge jump in time. Seemed like a strange choice by the authors.
I accidentally skipped reading book 8. 🤦🏻♂️
That sure does explain things!
I’ve been reading all my life and this is the first time I’ve ever made a boneheaded mistake like that.
Guess my reading is on pause until I can get the missing book sent to me, lol.
(The book series is really fucking good, btw).
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I love the Little-Prince/Mario-Galaxy scale of this and the simplicity of it.
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@orionkidder : if recollection serves me, this article will be of interest re one of your SF universes.
#Writer#Author#ScienceFiction#SF #scifi#WritingCommunity#WritersOfMastodon#BlackHole #pbh #ligo#Science#Physics#Astrophysics#QuantumPhysics#QuantumMechanics#Space#BlackHoles #gravitywaves
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Be honest, the only thing we care about on this cover is “Dianetics”, a new science of the mind. This must have been one of its first appearances? And it's in a fiction magazine?
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I also know how annoying it is when authors never post anything *else*. So I limit myself to one post a week. That's today.
Here's my most recent book, published by Ad Astra Games. This is my current last word on designing scientifically plausible exoplanetary systems for fiction, at least until I produce a second edition.
#sciencefiction #selfpromotion #ttrpg #worldbuilding
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I love the angle here, always good to get a shot from below and on a diagonal, adding drama to … I don't know, a guy on his way from one place to another looking serious. He could be going to buy space groceries for all I know.
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Acrylic - 30" x 20"
Occasionally it is fun to do an action-filled scene. This exciting book by Alan Dean Foster afforded the perfect opportunity. 1/4
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Man, this is shaping up to be a really fun and clever #SciFi#SpaceOpera adventure story.
#books #reading#ScienceFiction
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Acrylic on Watercolor Board - 20" X 30"
I was in a frenzied state trying to finish up jobs before the impending birth of our son when I had a dream about this cover. 1/3
#sciencefiction#scifi #fantasy #sff #illustration #pern #annemccaffrey
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Going out on a limb here but this is some guy's highly specific J G Ballardesque/Rule 34 fantasy, right? To become a human airplane with a sexy young woman chained to your back?
It's not my kind of thing but hey who am I to judge the author/artist? You do you.
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