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#17. Clifford D. Simak’s “Full Cycle” (1955). Due to fears of nuclear war, industry moves into the countryside. Workers join moveable trailer camp unions that can strike at will. Fragments of humanity's potential appear.

#scifi #sciencefiction

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# 16. Clifford D. Simak’s “You’ll Never Go Home Again!” (variant title: “Beachhead”) (1951). This bleak nightmare follows a seemingly routine expedition of the Human Planetary Survey Party to establish a bridgehead on an alien planet.
#scifi #sciencefiction

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15. Felix C. Gotschalk’s “The Day of the Big Test” (1976). A jarring and jumbling jaunt through a future mindscape conveyed via inundating linguistic displays, strange implanted tech, and subvocal communication.

#scifi #sciencefiction

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Short Fiction Reviews: Philip K. Dick’s “Explorers We” (1959) and James Tiptree, Jr.’s “Painwise” (1972)

#scifi #sciencefiction

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A discussion today reminded me of an old project, never completed: building a star map of Poul Anderson's Technic Civilization universe.

I kind of wish someone had done a #ttrpg set in that universe. I proposed as much to Steve Jackson Games back in the late 1990s, in the form of a #GURPS setting book, but they didn't bite.

Today I doubt it would get much of an audience. Too bad. There are a lot of great stories in that universe, and it's always been a big inspiration to me.


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I’ve started reading book 9 of #theExpanse and was confused by a huge jump in time. Seemed like a strange choice by the authors.

I accidentally skipped reading book 8. 🤦🏻‍♂️

That sure does explain things!

I’ve been reading all my life and this is the first time I’ve ever made a boneheaded mistake like that.

Guess my reading is on pause until I can get the missing book sent to me, lol.

(The book series is really fucking good, btw).


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Primordial black holes and dark matter, oh my! Hard SF writers will want to read this article.

@orionkidder : if recollection serves me, this article will be of interest re one of your SF universes.


#Writer#Author#ScienceFiction#SF #scifi#WritingCommunity#WritersOfMastodon#BlackHole #pbh #ligo#Science#Physics#Astrophysics#QuantumPhysics#QuantumMechanics#Space#BlackHoles #gravitywaves

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I'm a writer, and one of the things I use social media for is to promote my own work.

I also know how annoying it is when authors never post anything *else*. So I limit myself to one post a week. That's today.

Here's my most recent book, published by Ad Astra Games. This is my current last word on designing scientifically plausible exoplanetary systems for fiction, at least until I produce a second edition.

#sciencefiction #selfpromotion #ttrpg #worldbuilding