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BDG feature: ​​​​On Desire -- The Buddhist relationship with desire is complex and changes over time and across different historical, practical, and scholarly contexts

Read here: https://tinyurl.com/42d2yum7

#buddhism #buddhistpractice #usa #desire #attachment #craving #suffering #ethics #enlightenment #greed

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BDG news: ​​​​Tibetans and Supporters Worldwide Mark the 35th Anniversary of the Conferment of the Nobel Peace Prize on the Dalai Lama

Read here: https://tinyurl.com/mrxj7m4u

#buddhism #compassion #tibetanbuddhism #tibet #usa #tibetanculture #peace

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BDG feature: ​​​​The Most Wonderfully Stressful Time of the Year: Expectations and Consumerism During the Holiday Season

Read here: https://tinyurl.com/44twnaxj

#buddhism #holidays #usa #northamerica #generosity #christmas #dana #giftgiving #desire #attachment #buddha #gratitude #greed