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Buddhistdoor Quote for Today: Joseph Goldstein

When we see deeply that all that is subject to arising is also subject to cessation, that whatever arises will also pass away, the mind becomes disenchanted. Becoming disenchanted, one becomes dispassionate. And through dispassion, the mind is liberated. — Joseph Goldstein

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Buddhistdoor Quote for Today: Joseph Goldstein

When we see deeply that all that is subject to arising is also subject to cessation, that whatever arises will also pass away, the mind becomes disenchanted. Becoming disenchanted, one becomes dispassionate. And through dispassion, the mind is liberated. — Joseph Goldstein

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BDG feature: ​​​​Metta Lets Them -- Our loving-kindness practitioner adds two new catchy practices to her toolbox: #classyaf and #letthem

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#buddhism #meditation #metta#maitri #loving-kindness #vipassana #gratitude #buddhistpractice