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RISING (2007)
Acrylic on Watercolor board - 36" X 24"

This image came to me while I was working on THE RIVER in 1996. 1/3

#personalvisions #imaginativerealism #fineart #meditation

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Buddhist Quote for Today: Ajahn Brahm

When you have abandoned all past and future, it is as if you have come alive. You are here, mindful. — Ajahn Brahm

See more: https://youtube.com/@BuddhistdoorGlobal

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Buddhist Quote for Today: Ajahn Brahm

When you have abandoned all past and future, it is as if you have come alive. You are here, mindful. — Ajahn Brahm

See more: https://buddhistdoor.net

#buddhistquotes #buddha #dhamma #dharma #buddhism #theravada #thailand #uk #australia #liberation #mindfulness #meditation #compassion #peace #buddhistpractice #bodhisattva #quoteoftheday

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Buddhist Quote for Today: Layman Pang (740–808 CE)

When the mind’s left as is, the spirit is naturally empty. Without a need for medicine, ills disperse of themselves. When ills disperse, the jewel in the lotus appears. — Layman Pang (740–808 CE)

See more: https://youtube.com/@BuddhistdoorGlobal

#buddhistquotes #buddha #dharma #buddhism #mahayana #chan #zen #china #liberation #mindfulness #meditation #compassion #peace #buddhistpractice #bodhisattva #quoteoftheday

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Buddhist Quote for Today: Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895–1986)

Will you drop all your prejudices, all your opinions about what you are, what you are not, what you should be, so that you have a free, uncluttered mind? — Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895–1986)

See more: https://youtube.com/@BuddhistdoorGlobal

#buddhistquotes #buddha #dharma #buddhism #theosophy #spirituality #india #usa #liberation #mindfulness #meditation #compassion #peace #buddhistpractice #bodhisattva #quoteoftheday

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