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Buddhist Quote for Today: Pema Chödrön

Don’t get caught up in hopes of what you’ll achieve and how good your situation will be some day in the future. What you do right now is what matters. — Pema Chödrön

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Buddhist Quote for Today: Ajahn Brahm

When you have abandoned all past and future, it is as if you have come alive. You are here, mindful. — Ajahn Brahm

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Buddhist Quote for Today: Ajahn Brahm

When you have abandoned all past and future, it is as if you have come alive. You are here, mindful. — Ajahn Brahm

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Buddhist Quote for Today: Layman Pang (740–808 CE)

When the mind’s left as is, the spirit is naturally empty. Without a need for medicine, ills disperse of themselves. When ills disperse, the jewel in the lotus appears. — Layman Pang (740–808 CE)

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Buddhist Quote for Today: Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895–1986)

Will you drop all your prejudices, all your opinions about what you are, what you are not, what you should be, so that you have a free, uncluttered mind? — Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895–1986)

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