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I also keep forgetting, if you are an archivist (particulary of japanese stuff) or good sleuth i'd love help finding digital copies of the early copies of the Heimin Shinbun newspaper. (平民新聞). From 1904-1908 (Meiji 37-41) specifically. much love❤️! Uchiyama Gudo was known to contribute from time to time and I just cant find any. Please and thank you!

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Another one I did! A short essay by Ichikawa Hakugen on the status of Intellectuals in Zen and Socialist organizing more broadly. He was a Rinzai priest and philosophy professor who survived WWII era repression and wrote feverishly until his death in 1986, castigating fascist Buddhism and the old Imperial system, among other things.

#buddhism #anarchobuddhism #translation #japanese #仏教 #日本語 #anarchism #無政府主義

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First one I completed a while back. Prison writings of one Uchiyama Gudo. Soto Zen priest and active anarchist organizer around during the Meiji Period. He distributed food from the temple he ran, ran an underground printing press and encouraged peasant unionism and taught children how to read. He was imprisoned and later executed by the government for his radical views.

#buddhism #anarchobuddhism #translation #japanese #仏教 #日本語 #anarchism #無政府主義

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Introduction post!
Hello all! I'm Iggyu and i amateurly translate (mostly Japanese) anarcho-buddhist texts. I will likely just post the link to the translation on the anarchist library. I can share source material too if any are interested. Itd also be fun to find other anarcho buddhists if yall are out there! We can chat and whatnot. Buddha loves you and so do i! #buddhism #anarchobuddhism #translation #japanese #仏教 #日本語 #anarchism #無政府主義