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Recent discussions about hypothetical D&D economies led me to look into Roman currency. Here is a great wikipedia image of the common currency in the 27 BC - 100 AD Roman era.

So instead of copper, silver, electrum gold (the D&D standard), the early Roman Empire used various iterations of Bronze, Orichalcum, Silver, Billon, and Gold.

And today I learned Billon is the name for an alloy of silver and gold, or silver and copper, or silver and gold and copper, or basically any alloy of silver and some base metal.

#dnd #rpg #osr #history #gametheory #worldbuilding

Sometimes I think that thanks to the inherent debt spiral #Traveller is better at diegetic explanation for adventuring than any of #DnD systems. I mean it basically forces you to adventure by how spaceships and debts are set and how it sets up all the things like jumps, worlds, where to buy stuff, how to make money, patrons and pirates.

I think if you worked on feudalism as Coins and Scrolls does it you'd have diegetic adventuring more like Traveller than DnD.

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I think Traveller is more #OSR (in adherence to OSR culture) than ODnD, B/X, ADnD and other pre-3.5 versions are. It is truer adventure gaming than them because it is more organic in core premise.

I think Blades in the Dark also does it - warring gangs in closed space, upkeep of a gang, medical expenses, vices.

I wish there was a formula for this but in pre-modern setting of fantasy or sword and sorcery, the whole game with built in tax and social opression that makes you adventure

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Messed around with making a zodiac constellation chart for my homebrew campaign. It probably will not come up in play but I sometimes think just making things lends a certain versimilitude to the game. Plus, it might lead to other ideas.

I based the zodiac after the real zodiac but sometimes changed the names, sometimes changed the constellation to be one very near, or sometimes made it up.

Now that I am done, I can not rule out that maybe The Elder Scrolls influenced my choices in some subconscious sort of way.

#dnd #osr #rpg #worldbuilding