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“What the Hell is an Orrery?”—Using Cosmic Wonders in Your Fantasy RPG
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In Case of Fire, Break Glass
I'd guess i made this around the mid 1990s.
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The handwriting is mostly from my long departed dad, who taught us the path.
I think this guy died going down to the second level of #quasqueton
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I think if you worked on feudalism as Coins and Scrolls does it you'd have diegetic adventuring more like Traveller than DnD.
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I'm not a big fan of D&D 4E, so when friends were running it, to stay entertained I tried to devise the most outside the box characters I could using the rules as written.
One was a dragonborn from a stone age theocratic society. Don't remember if a paladin, rogue, or ranger. But he was intended as part of their stealthy, elite, behind the scenes law enforcement. Wielded stone throwing stars he hand-chipped, although at the time I thought I was being kind of silly with the idea.
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Three Dimensions
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The Best Map Ever (Take 2)
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Retrospective: Duneraiders
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Retrospective: Nomads of the World-Ocean
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Bureaucracy, Ritual and Games