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📆 2025 preview :

#Moon 🌙 deliveries by #Astrobotic, #IntuitiveMachines and #Firefly Aerospace.
#SPHEREx will create a map of the universe 🌌
#ESA's 🇪🇺 #SpaceRider #spaceplane orbital test flight
#Japan's 🇯🇵 lunar lander and micro-rover
#Tianwen2 🇨🇳 collects samples from a #NEA ☄️
#BepiColombo at #Mercury
#EuropaClipper at #Mars
#NASA’s #Lucy #asteroid flyby
#JUICE at #Venus

#SierraSpace#DreamChaser test mission to the #ISS

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BDG news: Engaged Buddhism: The Soka Gakkai International to Sponsor Nobel Peace Prize Forum and Youth Dialogue with Atomic Bomb Survivors in Oslo

Read here:

#buddhism #engagedbuddhism #nichiren #mahayana #norway #japan #nucleardisarmament #nuclearweapons #peace #atomicbombs #hiroshima #nagasaki #japanesebuddhism #ican #iaea

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Known also as Senbon Shaka-dō (千本釈迦堂) and Kitano Shaka-dō (北野釈迦堂), Daihōon-ji's (大報恩寺) main hall was constructed in 1227 and is a national treasure. It's the oldest surviving building within the old city limits.

#Daihoonji#SenbonShakado#KitanoShakado#Kyoto#Japan #nationaltreasure

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Considered a charm against evil (悪魔除けの大根), it made sense that these radishes would also help alleviate illnesses & diseases when consumed.

The 'blessed' radishes were mixed with others in a great cauldron and fed to the congregation to promote health for the upcoming year.

#Kyoto#Japan #daikon #daikondaki #radish

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There is a belief that eating kabocha (カボチャ) at the winter solstice helps fortify the body against dementia and palsy, and so it's common to find temples selling protective amulets in the shape of squashes.

#Kyoto #folklore#Japan #dementia #wintersolstice #squash #カボチャ#ImakumanoKannonji