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BDG Special Report: Ven. Pomnyun Sunim Leads 430 Practitioners on a Pilgrimage to India and Nepal in the Footsteps of the Buddha

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#buddhism #buddha #dharma #buddhistpractice #pilgrimage #india #nepal #korea #pomnyunsunim #jungtosociety #shakyamuni #lumbini#bodhgaya #mahabodhi

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BDG feature: ​​​​Enabling Everyone to Live Happily -- Dharma teachings from Ven. Pomnyun Sunim on the Buddhist practice of living sustainably and living happily

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#buddhism #mahayana #zen #seon #koreanbuddhism #jungtosociety #pomnyunsunim #dharma #happiness #liberation #atalanta #usa #korea #bhutan #mindanao #syria #buddhistpractice

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BDG feature: Finding Good News in Difficult Situations -- A Dharma teaching from Ven. Pomnyun Sunim on seeing the positive in the midst of bad news

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#buddhism #usa #dallas #texas #buddhistpractice #dharmatalks #dharma #koreanbuddhism #zen #seon #korea #jungtosociety #pomnyusunim