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Thanks for the #boost
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Thanks for the #boost
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Similar to the game ShadowRun, where one fine day the universe changes, magic works, and all these classics fantasy creatures spring to life. But without the cyberpunk and organized crime, and with more of The Postman.
The interesting part for me is magic like a computer language, with for-next loops and macros.
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Baskuefet’s Complex System of Tissue Damage
Wentcrafty’s Extremely Error-Free Skull Ventilation
Zisekcebador’s Mouth-Filling Acid Build Up
Alemmahulemma’s Warm Double Barrier
Crandelamach’s Expansive Resistance to Cancer
Feel No Pain When Exposed To Acid Or Irritants
All from one article on naked mole-rats, picking out phrases and crunching up authorial names.
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Judd: "Humans can get to 3 or so different sub-sectors through alien gates (one on Mars, another on Pluto, another on a comet)"
Me: Mass Effect + Stargate?!? SIGNMEUP!
(I like the mash-up cut of his jib! Read the post!)
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I wanted a D&D style game/ campaign where I could play solo and that's what it delivered. It's been ages since I've played it though...
Seeing as how Flying Buffalo sold off the property a while back I picked up the GM screen. I don't know how long the existing inventory will last.
Has anyone heard any news on what Rebellion plans to do with the game? I've heard very little since they purchased it.
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I'm tempted to go crazy with this idea if someone hasn't done so already.
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In contrast as soon as you introduce any kind of map, it feels like you are "collapsing" the scene to one very strictly defined state that feels difficult to escape from. Instead of imagining what COULD be there you only look at the very narrow slice of what IS in front of your eyes.
Other than just being too lazy to make maps every session, I genuinely wonder if they might be just inherently an obstacle to the imaginary nature of the game.
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- infected secretions
- demand for guano has started to rise again
- cave fauna
- Confederate guano kiln
- Bat Cave mine
- larvae of the grotto salamander
- avoid exploring caves or old buildings
- the Guano Age
- wholly dependent on bats
- colonised by invertebrates
- spiders, isopods, millipedes, centipedes, and barklice
- the acidity of the guano
- largest colony of bats in the world
One thing that I like from the Mothership rpg is the d100 table of patches you can give characters.
Inspired, I have started my own d100 table for patches for Death in Space. It's a lot of fun.
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* "Spaghettification's on the menu"
* (5% oxygen level left indicator)
* “Did you close the airlock?”
* What doesn’t kill you mutates and tries again”
* (CRT monitor displaying static) “Listen to the Void”
* (Hub spaceship in a bottle)
* “Save the Space Whales!”
* (Pipe organ) “donor”
* “I stared into the Void and it stared back”
* “Solid Welds Save Lives!”
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One thing that I like from the Mothership rpg is the d100 table of patches you can give characters.
Inspired, I have started my own d100 table for patches for Death in Space. It's a lot of fun.
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#tunnelsandtrolls #ttrpg [I hate having to use that one] #frpg
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I kind of wish someone had done a #ttrpg set in that universe. I proposed as much to Steve Jackson Games back in the late 1990s, in the form of a #GURPS setting book, but they didn't bite.
Today I doubt it would get much of an audience. Too bad. There are a lot of great stories in that universe, and it's always been a big inspiration to me.
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Are you a sci-fi author? From moons to supernova, this series offers details, visuals. Write a story - have the science as needed.
Inspiration, then #worldbuilding .
#author #ttrpg#ShamelessSelfpromoFriday
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Think The Three Musketeers, the rpg/#wargame.
In fact it originally was a fencing duel system, with the whole roleplaying part just a way to generate reasons for characters to duel each other.