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Highly gameable phrases from the (fascinating) Wikipedia article on guano:

- infected secretions
- demand for guano has started to rise again
- cave fauna
- Confederate guano kiln
- Bat Cave mine
- larvae of the grotto salamander
- avoid exploring caves or old buildings
- the Guano Age
- wholly dependent on bats
- colonised by invertebrates
- spiders, isopods, millipedes, centipedes, and barklice
- the acidity of the guano
- largest colony of bats in the world

#TTRPG #devlog #weirdwikiwizards

Content Warning


This Wikipedia article is relevant to my interests.

I am fond of solar system science fiction. A standard scifi technique is basing it on historical events (e,g., Asimov’s Foundation based on the decline and fall of Roman empire).

In solar system colonization, life's bottleneck is phosphorus, not nitrogen guano. But swap them and the Wiki sections on the guano age and imperialism become relevant. Whaling ships returning empty become cargo spaceships returning empty...