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BDG news: ​​​​Tibetans and Supporters Worldwide Mark the 35th Anniversary of the Conferment of the Nobel Peace Prize on the Dalai Lama

Read here: https://tinyurl.com/mrxj7m4u

#buddhism #compassion #tibetanbuddhism #tibet #usa #tibetanculture #peace

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BDG feature: Buddhist Epistemology -- Anam Thubten Rinpoche investigates the foundations of Buddhist thought and practice

Read here: https://tinyurl.com/5drmddvk

#buddhism #buddhistpractice #buddhistthought #religion #commentary #vajrayana#tibetanbuddhism #insight #wisdom #logic #knowledge

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Buddhist Quote for Today: Pema Chödrön

Don’t get caught up in hopes of what you’ll achieve and how good your situation will be some day in the future. What you do right now is what matters. — Pema Chödrön

See more: https://buddhistdoor.net

#buddhistquotes #buddha #dharma #buddhism #vajrayana#tibetanbuddhism #usa #canada #liberation #mindfulness #meditation #compassion #peace #buddhistpractice #bodhisattva #quoteoftheday

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