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@georgetakei DNC-funded astroturfer Takei: β€œtRuSt Us. We ReFuSeD To EvEn AtTeMpT tO sToP tHe GeNoCiDe We’Re OpEnLy FuNdInG. wE wOn’T eVeN pReTeNd To SuPpOrT sInGlE pAyEr. VoTe FoR uS. wE’rE oPeNlY cOrRuPt BuT dO yOu LiKe TrUmP?”

#astroturfer #fakeleftist #dncoperative #genocide#SinglePayerOrGuillotine #dnccorruption#Fakedemocracy #tribalism #fptp#GUILLOTINE #fakedemocracy#CiaPuppet#Identitypolitics #impotentdems #statusquodefenders #warhawkdemocrats #bankerlivesmatter

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Was the US citizens voting not once, but TWICE, to the orange clown. While democrats perpetrated a modern #genocide payed by your taxes. Yes GENOCIDE. And all of you should be make accountable.

The sooner the #US collapses, the sooner the world would be a safer place.

In the meantime, enjoy your votes.

P. 😱 The hell you're going to get Ukraine.
The European people is not their leaders.

The American people aren’t just watching Trump’s second term unfoldβ€”they’re pushing back. From lawsuits challenging his overreach to grassroots protests in 50 state capitals to Senate Democrats holding the floor overnight, this week’s Week In Wins rounds up the ways people are saying β€˜not so fast’ to his agenda πŸ‘

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Do not stop the fall of the empire. Billions of people in the world are expecting that the biggest colonialist and fascist country in the world (since WWII) will choke and die on the same policies they used to meddle and bully other countries.

Up to a few weeks ago you were paying a #genocide. YOU!!! WITH YOUR TAXES!!! .

People saying they are proud of what America has been for the world, should review their non existant American values. You were lied to. Your governments always were nazi governments.

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I'm looking for names and/or connections of any academics, independent researchers, or prominent figures *anywhere*, but *especially* in #Canada who have at least *some* connection to *any* fields related to:

- #Genocide (in general)
- #Trans Genocide
- #Geopolitics as they relate to trans people

I've been asked to lead a significant and urgent project related to the present crisis, and I've dropped all other tasks to support this. I wish I could provide more details publicly, but these details will have to follow.

- Feel free to either post or DM me names/info or to connect

#academia #research #transgender #queer #lgbtq #lgbtqia