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@georgetakei THIS IS SOOOO TRUE! I’ve had more than one MAGA person tell me T was joking about a horrible thing he would do. I said, if he said he is going to do something, where is the joke? He is stating his intention. They didn’t believe me of course. Now their eyes are wide shut as the things they said he was joking about have come to pass…right in front of their face…and they still don’t think it is happening.

uspol, nazis

@georgetakei the old Shirley exception:

"Well, he promises horrible things, but SURELY ("shirley") he's only going to apply them against bad people! SURELY he wouldn't do literally everything he's promised/threatened to, that would be absurd!"

And even after he proved that he meant it last time, they still want to believe.

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@georgetakei DNC-funded astroturfer Takei: “tRuSt Us. We ReFuSeD To EvEn AtTeMpT tO sToP tHe GeNoCiDe We’Re OpEnLy FuNdInG. wE wOn’T eVeN pReTeNd To SuPpOrT sInGlE pAyEr. VoTe FoR uS. wE’rE oPeNlY cOrRuPt BuT dO yOu LiKe TrUmP?”

#astroturfer #fakeleftist #dncoperative #genocide#SinglePayerOrGuillotine #dnccorruption#Fakedemocracy #tribalism #fptp#GUILLOTINE #fakedemocracy#CiaPuppet#Identitypolitics #impotentdems #statusquodefenders #warhawkdemocrats #bankerlivesmatter

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@georgetakei Mr Black must not have been present during Trump’s first four years. If Trump says he’s going to do something, like build a wall, he’s going to do his damndest to do it. Last time, there were checks and balances on his power. This time, practically none. America voted for this disaster, which says a lot about us. Fear and anger won the day, our future be damned.