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Apropos of discussion around reintroductions into the Highlands of #Scotland, here is a very good study by Ouvrier, Vimal et al on the interactions between #bears, #sheep, #dogs, #government, and #shepherds in the French Pyrenees. It uses a more-than-human geography approach to argue that a patchy, localised analysis has to be the foundation of more comprehensive analysis. #Mountains are inherently patchy sites of analysis!

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One of my favourite café's in #Inverness has closed =( and they're trying to raise funds to re-open under a new name; Roots Café.

They're amazing for communtiy work and in promoting bicycles as transport, health improvement and social aspects. They do an incredible vegan menu.

Staff were always superb, kind and generally went that extra mile without being asked.

#Scotland #Vegan #Crowdfunder

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Why have there been *no* fascist riots in #Scotland so far?

Because we all work very hard to make #NewScots safe.

For the past two years I've been working with others in local government, the third sector, universities, and Scottish government on this : .

We are held up as an example by UNHCR of how to promote welcoming, trauma-informed integration, even while Patel, Braverman, and Jenrick (and the press, and Yaxley-Lennon, and Farage) screamed for blood.

And it works: yes, of course there is #racism in Scotland, but so far we've been able to resist the horrors in England. But it requires a continuous, thoughtful commitment across all layers of society. It isn't a "natural feature" of Scotland. We achieved this.
