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An occasional #TTRPG thought I have: we lose a lot of gaming history because of licensed materials. I've heard how great the Ghostbusters RPG was. I know and love d6 Star Wars (2e R&E was mine), and have a new appreciation for RM, which I know through MERP.

But because they're licensed properties, they don't exist anymore. Can't reprint, licenses sold to others. Not gone, just rare and hard to get.

A gif of Roy Batty, from Blade Runner, saying "All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain."

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“Fantasy is escapist, and that is its glory. If a soldier is imprisoned by the enemy, don't we consider it his duty to escape?. . .If we value the freedom of mind and soul, if we're partisans of liberty, then it's our plain duty to escape, and to take as many people with us as we can!”
― Ursula K. LeGuin, paraphrasing J.R.R. Tolkien
TTRPG Community #ttrpg #fantasy
Don't stop creating.

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The L.A. Public Library commissioned me and a writing team to adapt Octavia E. Butler's the Parable of the Sower into a Fate RPG. We're running portions of it at the Octavia Lab at the LAPL Central Branch in DTLA on 12/14! If you're a fan of the novel or Fate, sign up and roll dice with us!

Learn more at


#octaviaebutler#parableofthesower #lapl #losangelespubliclibrary #fate#evilhatproductions #ttrpg #gamer #dmlife

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As a reminder, when doing #ttrpg #worldbuilding , it's usually unnecessary to have human(oid) history go back "tens of thousands of years". If you need some justifications for old ruins and whatnot, it's easy to cram them into the last thousand years or less. Real world history is _full_ of interesting stuff happening in fairly short time periods, so it's not difficult to arrange the same for fictional worlds.

Besides, humans constantly come up with new ideas and new technology. If you _want_ human society in your fantasy world to have a typical late medieval/Renaissance-era tech level, then you will need to come up with some good reasons why they haven't developed further - and that gets trickier the longer the history of human civilization in your world is.

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I think I have it, and it involves Johannes Kelpius.

Now, can anyone recommend a good horror/paranormal investigation #TTRPG other than Monster of the Week? I'm open to #MotW, but I'd like to see if there isn't something out there that's a better fit.

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I think I need to brush up on Monster of the Week. I'm going to write a module for it, based in Philadelphia, set in the undercity.


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As a kid, my parents were always telling me that TTRPGs would lead me straight to hell. Of course, we know that isn't true. It leads to arts and crafts.


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Oh no!

I told myself I wasn't going to do another journaling game on a 5"x7" card so soon, that I was going to give people a little time to play the first two, even though I have a few small designed and playtested games that are really fun and would be great at 5"x7", including one where you're buying a potion from an apothecary named Dr. Quaff.

But then I just had the perfect layout inspiration for that one 😯.


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Pondering running Zozer's “Far Horizon" scenario for #Hostile / #Cepheus Universal over the Christmas break. set around 2100, the players will be the crew of a fission-powered long range explorer nuclear thermal rocket who a diverted to intercept an interstellar wanderer. What I like about it is that it's got elements of troupe play and is focused on exploration & understanding rather than combat. The only challenge to find the players and a suitable schedule!
#travellerrpg #ttrpg

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In our Traveller campaign, the Deepnight Revelation has reached the Federated Commonwealth of Worlds, a large polity that spans several sectors. Most of the people here are humans, and it's a strange experience for a lot of the crew to be back amongst 'civilisation' again.

However, they have nothing which could be considered 'money' in this region, so will need to find ways of paying for goods and services.
